The Feud
at work and, when the baby arrives, I’ll babysit whenever you want. I knew you’d make a great son-in-law the moment I saw you, Eddie. I can’t thank you enough for buying her a house near her mum. Look, Stanley, isn’t it wonderful?’
    Stanley glanced at the piece of paper and nodded dumbly. As much as he hated Eddie, he was pleasantly surprised by this strange turn of events. Knowing Eddie’s type, he’d have fully expected him to whisk Jessica miles away from him and Joycie.
    ‘A young girl needs to be near her mum and dad. That’s what families are all about,’ Eddie said, smiling at Stan.
    ‘Don’t expect me to come round and change shitty nappies, will you, sis?’ Raymond said laughing.
    Eddie ruffled Raymond’s hair. Jessica’s little bro was a proper character. In fact, he reminded Ed of himself at sixteen. Eddie allowed himself a wry smile. Neither Jessnor Ray were fuck-all like their father, so surely at least one of them had to belong to the milkman.
    With the speeches and surprises all over, Eddie started to organise cabs to get to the reception.
    As Joyce went off to powder her nose, Ivy shifted herself next to Stan. ‘I know I said this earlier, but I really don’t like him, Stan. Whatever was my Joycie thinking of, encouraging Jess to get involved with the likes of him?’
    Stanley shook his head. ‘I’ve no idea, but I’m glad it ain’t just me. I don’t trust him, Ivy. He’s got eyes like dead fish.’
    Ivy shuddered. She’d noticed Eddie’s cold, calculating stare from the moment she’d set eyes on him and the thought of her beautiful granddaughter sharing her life and bed with him sent shivers down her spine.
    ‘She won’t find happiness with him, Stanley. I’ve seen his sort before. He’ll mould Jess into what he wants and, before she knows it, he’ll suck the fucking life out of her.’

Seven years later – 1978
    Aware of the commotion in the back of her car, Jessica turned down the radio. ‘Will you two stop mucking about while Mummy’s trying to drive? What are you doing in the back?’
    ‘Frankie’s took one of my new trainers and she’s put it out the window,’ Joey said, trying to grab his sister’s arm.
    As she stopped at a red light, Jessica glanced around. ‘You’d better not have thrown his trainer out, Frankie. Now where is it?’
    ‘I haven’t, Mum,’ her daughter said, showing her the proof.
    ‘Give it back to Joey, now,’ Jess ordered.
    Giggling, Frankie gave the trainer back to its rightful owner.
    Jessica sighed as she turned up the radio volume. Her children certainly drove her doolally at times, but she loved them more than life itself. She’d been horrified when the doctor had first told her that she was expecting twins.
    ‘I’m only seventeen, I’ll never cope,’ she had cried to Eddie.
    Eddie had put his strong arms around her and washedaway her fears. ‘You’ll be a natural, Jess. Remember, we’re in this together. I’ll help out as much as I can and your mum’ll be brilliant, I know she will.’
    As usual, Eddie was right and, once she had got over the initial shock, Jess had never looked back. She remembered the day she’d given birth as though it was yesterday. The pain was unbearable and, due to the size of the babies and her small frame, the doctors had given her an emergency caesarean.
    ‘We think the babies could be in trouble,’ they had said.
    Eddie and her mum had both been by her side when she’d finally come round. ‘Where are the babies? Are they OK?’ were her first words.
    Eddie had tears in his eyes as he gently lifted them out of their cots. ‘We’ve got one of each, Jess. A boy and a girl.’
    As rough and sore as she felt, Jess could barely believe her luck. The twins were a decent weight and absolutely perfect. To be blessed with one of each was a sheer gift from God.
    Eddie and Jessica had spoken about baby names for months leading up to the birth. They hadn’t known what they were having, so

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