
Free Gerard by Kathi S. Barton

Book: Gerard by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
had she, but they had made due. Much like these two were doing. She knew that it wasn’t her fault, but she did feel bad about what they’d had to give up to keep afloat for all these years.
    I’m going to give them some recipes and a few of my cookbooks. Susie said she can read one, and I think she’d feel better if she had a few she could follow. She thought of something else. I have so many gadgets at the ranch I can give her too. Measuring cups and whatnots. I have no idea if the Mitchells left any of that kind of thing behind.
    Emma told her that she’d get back with her. And by the time that Georgie was checking out, she had a plan. Not a big one, just a little one that would help them out, but she was excited to do it. Georgie put her things on the belt, along with a few extras. It was time to stock up the pantry over there again, and this time with things that a young couple could use, not things to feed grown men working in the field. She was thinking of gathering her friends up and having an old fashioned housewarming party for them.
    Going home, Georgie drove her car carefully. About a month ago, Jace and Holly had gotten her a newer used car that had four wheel drive, and she was still slightly nervous about driving it. She’d tried to tell them that she didn’t need it, but Holly pointed out that with the baby coming, they wanted her to be able to babysit for her when she wanted. It had been on the tip of her tongue to tell her that she’d watch the baby every day, but she held back. She didn’t want to be too pushy with her first grandnephew or niece.
    The car came out of nowhere. Georgie wasn’t going fast, but the other car, a dark sedan, was. And when he ran her off the road and into a ditch, it was all she could do to control her cat. Georgie sat there for several minutes until she felt like she could talk without being hysterical before reaching for one of the boys.
    As she got out of her car, the car that had driven her off the road pulled up beside her. A large man got out on the passenger side, so she got a good look at him. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she took several pictures of him as he moved toward her. When she saw the gun, she felt her fear level shoot up and her cat get pissier.
    The sound of an oncoming car had her looking in that direction when the man did. It was Gerard and Susie. She didn’t want them to get hurt, but she’d never been so glad to see anyone in her life as she was them. As soon as the truck came to a stop, Susie shot out of the door and shifted in midair. The man ran to the car again and was getting in just as Susie got a hold of him. Her cat tore into the man’s leg even as gravel shot up from the road when the driver peeled out. Georgie nearly fell into Gerard’s arms when he reached for her.
    “Are you hurt, Aunt Georgie?” She told him just scared. “Yeah, me too. What the fu…what the heck was he doing? Did he run you off the road?”
    “No, I was wondering the same thing…what the fuck was he doing? And yes, he ran me off the road and into the ditch.” Georgie was shaking so hard that when Gerard let her go to check on the car, she had to lean on his truck. Susie came to her and rubbed her head on her leg. “You probably saved me from getting shot, dear. I swear you looked like an avenging warrior coming after him like that.”
    “She told me to stay in the car in case he got away. I have never been so afraid in my life as when she jumped from the truck.” Gerard came up the bank as he continued. “Mason and the rest of them are on their way. But I’m afraid your car is trashed. You were very lucky.”
    Running her fingers through Susie’s fur while listening to her purr, Georgie thought she was indeed lucky. But she was a little afraid of what the boys would say when they got there. Then she felt slightly light headed, and heard her name being shouted as the blackness took her.

Chapter 5
    Gerard put the last of their food in the

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