Fire and Ice

Free Fire and Ice by Sara York

Book: Fire and Ice by Sara York Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara York
he’d been in his old body, but it was enough to lose Mac in minutes. The path to the tree where Michael had left his marker sat one mile out of town, straight into the foothills. Lash’s breath came in great, heaving gasps as he rounded the bend in the path and slammed into the tree.
    “Michael. Now!”
    The wind rushed and ominous clouds gathered around the trees. To the town below, the inky clouds would look like a terrible storm brewing, but Lash knew different. Michael would be angry at being summoned so unceremoniously.
    Thunder crackled as Michael swooped down, landing only inches from Lash. The force of his descent knocked Lash on his ass. He didn’t even try to stand up, knowing that going face to face with Michael when he was angry would only result in a punch to the kisser.
    “Why did you summon me?”
    “Rafe has Alexandria.”
    “You were warned to watch out for her.”
    “I need to go to the underworld and get her. I want to make this right. I’ll work on getting her with Scott.”
    Michael raised his eyebrows. The old angel was impressed with his ability to figure out who Alexandria was supposed to be with. He pulled a scroll out of his satchel. “This pass should get you in and out. You cause any trouble down there and your ass gets cooked.”
    “Fine, I’ll be a good boy, but I have to get to her now.”
    Michael held the pass away from Lash. “Need I remind you time is running out? You must have her fall in love with Scott. If you mess this up, you’re never going to get back what you lost.”
    “My life and comfort are of no use to me if Alexandria is lost forever down there. If I fail, at least I will have kept her from an eternity with that sorry-ass demon.”
    “This is the last time I’m helping you on this mission.”
    “Thanks, Michael, you’re the best.”
    Lash took the pass and chanted the incantation to travel from this world to the underworld. Immediately, his stomach turned and his skin crawled. He hated being here. The evil in this place made him sick to his stomach. The few times he’d actually had to do business in the underworld, he’d spent weeks getting the stink out of his hair and feathers.
    Alexandria had already forgiven her brother. Next he needed to get her to see Scott differently, and then he would take back his own body.
    Broken glass and trash covered the path. Four hundred years had passed since his last trip to hell. The place had gone downhill.
    Lash sensed Alexandria’s presence nearby. Few demons were bold enough to bring a mortal being to this realm. The goodness she exuded had left a residue behind, allowing him to track her easily.
    Her essence trail ended at a run-down building with grimy glass and a broken door. He burst through the door, taking Rafe by surprise. The bastard had Alexandria naked and shackled to the wall, her arms and legs spread far apart, leaving her vulnerable to the demon’s attacks.
    Lash’s blood boiled as he took in the scene. Red welts bubbled on Alexandria’s previously flawless skin. Bruises crossed her belly. Were her ribs broken? Blood seeped from one of the wounds on her thigh. A trickle of blood ran from her nose, and one eye had swollen shut.
    Eternity wouldn’t be long enough for him to forgive this bastard demon for hurting Alexandria. Lash charged at Rafe, his head smacking into the beast, and pushed him up against the wall. Rafe’s borrowed body might be bigger and it might have more muscle, but Lash’s fury had ignited an anger that burned hot.
    Rafe tried to fight back with quick punches and fast kicks, but Lash was on a mission to save Alexandria. Any weakness he showed would be exploited by the demon and turned into something ugly, then used to smash Lash into little pieces.
    Lash kept the fight away from Alexandria, praying a stray piece of furniture wouldn’t hit her as the contents of the room were destroyed. Rafe was tired—Lash could see it on his face.
    “You are done,” Lash shouted.

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