Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1)

Free Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1) by Kimberly Blalock

Book: Bella #1 (Sagatori Family Saga #1) by Kimberly Blalock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Blalock
cloth napkin into her lap. I mimic her actions .“ Hmm . ” She hummed.
    “I’ d like to ask you something . ” I watched as she bit her lip.
    “ Shoot . ” She reached her small hand to the table for the wine glass.
    “ Did you scratch Casconi's neck ? ” Getting into the middle of this could back fire. Fuck it.
    “ You know Sam ? ” Her voice broke. I did n’ t like the fear I saw dance at the corners of her eyes.
    “ Of course I know him . ” Unfortunately.
    She nodded .“ H e’ s crazy Jax. My father wo n’ t believe me. And I’ ll tell you one thing; the second I get the chance I’ ll kill him . ” She said behind clamped teeth.
    “ Why do you hate him so much? What has he done ? ” Ther e’ s a huge back story here. Makes me wondered why Sagatori does n’ t believe her.
    “ Where do I begin ? ” She snorts .“ Could it be the insatiable stalking or the fact that h e’ d threatened my father ? ”   Her jaw tightened .“ I can put up with a lot. I can, but you threaten my family and I’ ll stick an icicle in you fucking eye . ” Sh e’ s a tough girl. I see that sh e’ s loyal. Something that was n’ t a common trait these days.
    “ He wo n’ t hurt your father . ” I happen to know h e’ s well-guarded. I was surprised that I did n’ t see Sal today though. And the fact that Tony backed down so easily did n’ t set well with me either. If Sam did have his eye on the gold, she needed to be protected. I'd see to it.
    Her eyes met mine with uncertainty .“ H e’ ll do anything he wants . ”
    “ No, i t’ ll work out . ” I’ d see to that personally as well.
    “ Wh o’ s going to stop him, Jax? H e’ s the up and coming boss. Face it, when Papa dies h e’ ll take over. H e’ s made it very clear since I was a teenager he was going to have me. He always gets what he wants . ”
    Heat took over my body at the admission sh e’ d made .“ Look at me . ” I growled. Her head snapped to mine .“I’ m not going to let anyone have you . ” I said between my teeth that ground against one another.
    “ Has he had you ? ” My hands gripped the cloth napkin in my lap. I realized the thought of him touching her brought back anger I’ d tucked away.
    “ Never ! ” She screeched.
    I was hoping sh e’ d say that. Relief washed over me as I unclench my teeth.
    “ Why would you marry me ? ”
    “ Someone has to protect you Bella . ”
    “ You do n’ t know what yo u’ re up against, Jax . ” She breathed.
    “ I know exactly what I’ m up against, Bella . ” My chest tightened. I’ m not scared of Casconi. I’ d always been more feared than him. I hold many cards up my sleeve, with action as far south as Kansas City. Cassini has nothing I fear. However, he should fear me.
    “ Then why would you stay ? ”
    “ What ? ” I asked, confused by the question.
    “ If you know, then why would you put yourself in a position like that? Wha t’ s in it for you ? ” Sh e’ d been questioning a few things. My integrity, honor, and loyalty.
    I shook my head .“ You think I’ m scared ? ” I know the damage Casconi causes. I’ ve seen his wrath. I’ ve witnessed the fallout. But I was n’ t fucking scared.
    “ What if we did get married? What would that be like ? ” She took a small bite of her lasagna tha t’ d arrived only moments before.
    “ Honestly, I had n’ t thought that far into it . ” I shrugged, resting my elbows on the table .“ Yo u’ d come to Chicago with me and w e’ d continue as normal until . ” I stop myself when I realized I’ d have her with me in Chicago.
    “ Until ? ” I did n’ t reply .“I’ m not going to Chicago Jax. I’ m not going to agree to getting married. I do n’ t see the reason. Giving myself to someone that I do n’ t love just because i t’ s convenient seems a bit ridiculous . ”
    “ I get that. I never thought I’ d marry out of convince either . ”
    “ But yet yo u’ ll do it . ” She sips her wine

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