The Red Slippers

Free The Red Slippers by Carolyn Keene

Book: The Red Slippers by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
just feel safer if I knew someone was keeping an eye on them.”
    â€œSure,” Sebastian said, still looking confused. He stood up and Maggie opened the bench, carefully placing the shoes inside.
    â€œThanks,” Maggie said. “I really appreciate it. I know they’ll be safe here,” she added, pointedly looking around the room.
    She headed back toward the stage and I checked out my suspects. Colin was staring at Maggie. Fiona was fixated on the bench. At first I thought Jamison didn’t care at all, but I caught him giving the piano a furtive glance. They were all still contenders.
    I pulled out my phone. NOW , I texted George.
    A second later a fire alarm blared through the entire theater. Lights flashed over the theater exits. The dancers stopped in their tracks and covered their ears.
    â€œYou have GOT to be kidding me,” Jamison screamed over the ringing. “We DO NOT have time for this.” He threw down the papers he was holding. His face was bright red and a vein in his forehead pulsed in anger. I thought I had seen him mad before, but that seemed downright calm compared to the level of fury now emanating off him.
    The dancers began exiting the building. “Where do you think you’re going?” Jamison yelled.
    â€œIt’s a fire alarm . . . ,” Nicole began.
    â€œDo you smell smoke? Do you see flames? Does it feel hot in here to you?” Jamison asked.
    â€œNo,” Nicole said hesitantly.
    â€œThen there’s no fire! This is a false alarm. You will stay and you will prepare. We open in four hours.”
    My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe Jamison wouldn’t allow his dancers to evacuate during a fire alarm. That had to be illegal. Not to mention my trap wasn’t going to work if the theater stayed full. We needed to do something.
    I scurried over to Bess. “Tell him he has to evacuate.”
    â€œWhat?” she said. I couldn’t tell whether she couldn’t hear me over the blaring alarm or she couldn’t believe what I was asking.
    â€œYou have to tell him to evacuate!” I repeated, louder this time.
    â€œWhy me?”
    â€œBecause you look like you’re part of the theater staff,” I said. “He won’t listen to me dressed like this.” I indicated my leotard and tutu.
    â€œHe’ll bite my head off,” she said.
    â€œJust stay firm.”
    Bess took a deep breath and marched toward Jamison. “Sir,” she said confidently. The alarm masked the nervous quiver I was sure was in her voice.
    â€œYes?” Jamison asked, feigning innocence.
    â€œThe law mandates that you evacuate during a fire alarm.”
    â€œThere’s no fire. This is just an annoyance. Please go back to sweeping or whatever chore you fill your day with.”
    Bess set her jaw defiantly. “If the fire department arrives and the building is not evacuated, they will issue a fine.”
    â€œServes you right for having a faulty fire alarm. Imagine if it had gone off during a performance!” Jamison hissed.
    Bess narrowed her eyes. “I will make sure they issue the fine directly to you personally. And I should add that it’s quite hefty.”
    Jamison paused for a beat. Then, finally, “All right, everyone get your coats.” He turned to Bess. “These are dancers. Their muscles need to stay warm.”
    If I hadn’t been trying to maintain a low profile, I would have jumped for joy. A sense of pride swelled through me. The first time Bess had gone undercover, she’d blushed and stuttered, and her cover had been blown in less than thirty seconds. She had come a long way since then.
    As the dancers filed out of the room, I discreetly slid down between the seats and hid. The floor was cold and dirty. There are times when being a detective isn’t really glamorous.
    Finally the theater was empty. Now the real waiting began. If the culprit wanted to rattle Maggie,

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