Sworn to the Wolf

Free Sworn to the Wolf by Lauren Dane

Book: Sworn to the Wolf by Lauren Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
flounced into her room with Laurent in her wake.
    Laurent looked around her bedroom as she threw on some tennis shoes and then packed a few things into a duffel bag.
    “Where’s your art?”
    “Oh it’s in the studio. Hang on and I’ll take you through. I need to grab some supplies anyway,” she told him, her head still in the closet.
    “Music and books are also a passion I see,” he said when she turned around, indicating the stacks of books and CDs that littered the room.
    “Yes, I spend too much money on both.” She reached down and picked up her mp3 player, adding it to the bag. “I like to listen to music when I paint,” she explained.
    He took her bag and followed her out. The phone rang and Harrison called out that it was for her.
    “Excuse me a second,” she said to Laurent and moved to the phone in the hallway. “Hello?”
    “Rain Foster?”
    “Yep, that’s me. What can I do for you?”
    “This is Diane Holt of The Holt Gallery. We’re looking at your portfolio right now. Ms. Foster, your work is exceptional and we’d love to see more than just photographs. Would it be possible for you to bring down Whirlpool and Crazy Diamond to the gallery? If they’re as good as they look in the photos we’d like to offer you a show.”
    “Are you serious? You...I just turned in the portfolio yesterday. Yes, yes, I can bring them down. When do you want to see them?” Rain asked her.
    “Today if possible. If not it’ll have to wait until Monday because I’m going out of town for the weekend.”
    “Can you hold on for just a moment? I need to see if I can make arrangements.” Heart racing, blood pounding, she was shocked she still managed to sound reasonably calm.
    “Yes of course.”
    “Thank you.” She punched the hold button.
    Rain turned to face Harrison, Elton and Laurent, who all looked at her expectantly. “Oh. My. God. That’s Diane Holt from The Holt Gallery. They love my stuff. They want to see two pieces in person. She said if they’re as good as the photos they want to offer me a show!” She started jumping up and down and Harrison began to laugh while Elton clapped and Laurent just smiled and took her in. Rain stopped and took a deep breath. “Okay, enough of that, she’s holding. Laurent, I know you want to get back home but I need to get these paintings down to Pioneer Square. Can you wait for me or can we do this another day? I’m sorry.”
    “Sorry for what? This is incredible. I’ll take the paintings over there right now. My truck is most definitely large enough.”
    “Thank you!” She hugged him and got back on the phone. “Ms. Holt, I can be there with them in about half an hour, will that be all right?”
    “Yes. I’ll see you in half an hour then.”
    Rain hung up and let out a whoop of joy. “This is crazy! I just gave her that portfolio yesterday. Thank god I put a bra on,” she mumbled and started out into the studio.
    Laurent looked back at Harrison and Elton as they went past him into the studio with Rain. They both hugged her, kissing her cheek.
    “Congrats, babe. You deserve this. They love your stuff because you’re good. Now be careful this weekend. Laurent, we don’t know you but we love Rain very much and if you harm her in any way it will be very unfortunate for you,” Harrison said sternly and Elton nodded.
    Laurent held out his hand to shake theirs. “I make my solemn vow that I would never hurt Rain. Ever. I’m glad she has you two around.”
    At that moment Laurent saw her paintings and he stilled. Her work was stacked all around the room and he took it all in slowly, awed.
    “This one is Whirlpool ,” she said, pointing at a painting that was all blues and grays. Something about it drew him in, compelled him to look more. “And this one,” she said, pointing to a larger canvas of silvers, reds, blues and blacks, “is my newest, Crazy Diamond . Diane said they wanted to see these two so let’s load them up. Let me get them wrapped for

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