Free 1609366867 by Janice Thompson

Book: 1609366867 by Janice Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janice Thompson
reason to think I’ll take to the role with ease. This will be a stretch, at best. Impossible, at worst.”
    “Oh, posh. I’m sure you’ll do fine. You’re lovely, Tessa, and I know the manners will come with time.”
    “Me? Lovely?” Tessa felt her cheeks grow warm. “Oh no. I’m not naturally good-looking, as many young ladies are. My appearance is tolerable. I’ve come to terms with this, so there’s no point in stretching the truth to make me feel better.”
    “Tolerable?” Jacquie’s eyes widened as she rose from the table. “You really don’t have any idea, do you? You’re a beauty, Tessa. Your hair is the prettiest shade of brown, and your eyes are beautiful. You’ve got a lovely figure too, one that will show off nicely in my dresses.”
    “Hmm.” Tessa couldn’t think of much to add, so she kept her thoughts to herself.
    “Now, come with me. We’re going to get you dolled up in the three new gowns Mrs. O’Shea has completed. Several others are expected before the ship sails, but we will manage those once they arrive. One thing at a time, I say.”
    Tessa tagged along on Jacquie’s heels to the bedroom. The damask coverlet on the bed caught her eye at once, but she was more taken with what she found atop the covers. Tessa’s gaze landed on the exquisite pink satin gown, and she gasped. “I—I—” Truly, in all of her days, she’d never seen the like.
    Jacquie reached down to lift the dress. “If you think it’s hard to breathe just looking at it, wait till I lace you up in the corset.”
    Tessa ran her fingers along the sleeve, mesmerized by the sheer fabric. Never had she worn anything so delicate, so fine. “What are these?” She pointed to several bead-like bits embellishing the front and the sleeves.
    “Pieces of glass. Aren’t they marvelous?” Jacquie held the dress close and cradled it like a baby. “And the silk is imported from India. Father travels there frequently, you see.”
    “Yes, and look at the threading running through it. It’s metallic. Have you ever seen anything like it?”
    “I can truly say I never have.”
    “We need to get you into this dress, Tessa, so that Iris can take it up in the shoulders. It’s clear you’re smaller than I am.”
    “Smaller than—you?” Tessa shook her head. Was the china doll teasing? Such a tiny waist had never been seen. “If anything, you will need to let them out.”
    “Oh no. Just wait until you get the corset on. Then you will see how small your waist truly is.”
    She ran her fingers—her poor, rough fingers—along the delicate silk corset, eyeing the intricate embroidered rosettes and white laces. Sheer perfection.
    Moments later, laced in so tightly she could scarcely catch her breath, she saw, all right. “I—I can’t breathe. And I certainly can’t sit down.” Tessa gasped for air but gazed at her reflection in the oval mirror, astonished by how tiny her midsection looked.
    Jacquie laughed. “You will get used to it, I assure you. And you can sit. You will simply have a straighter spine.”
    “Straighter than Cupid’s arrow and twice as painful.” Tessa ran her rough palms along the luxurious silk-and-lace undergarment and winced as the pain in her ribs grew worse when Iris tied off the laces. Was it her imagination, or did the young woman seem to pull them tighter still?
    “I will certainly not be able to eat while wearing this.” Tessa fought to catch her breath. “No doubt I’ll trim down in a hurry.”
    “Perhaps Iris can release the pressure a bit. Let’s try the dress on over it. Then we will know if the laces can be loosened.” Jacquie reached for the gown and, with Iris’s help, pulled it over Tessa’s head.
    Iris worked with diligence to fasten the hooks in the back of the dress, not saying a word all the while. She stepped back when finished and pursed her lips. Tessa could scarcely breathe but did not complain.
    “Wonderful!” Jacquie clapped, clearly delighted.

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