Night Stars and Mourning Doves

Free Night Stars and Mourning Doves by Margo Hoornstra

Book: Night Stars and Mourning Doves by Margo Hoornstra Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margo Hoornstra
Tags: Contemporary
    Except for all of a sudden the idea of Eric Matthews not being in her life had scared the heck out of her and caused her heart to race at such an accelerated pace it had yet to return to normal. “What is it you do? Exactly?”
    “I go to the scene of a car crash, for instance. Diagram what I see, the position of the vehicles, road conditions and such, then try to give what amounts to my best educated guess of how and why it happened.”
    She sat forward. “Best guess. Not absolute?”
    “I don’t believe in absolutes.” He reached across the table with both hands to cover hers. “I should say I didn’t used to but, after tonight, rather after being with you tonight, I may have to change my mind. Because I’m absolutely sure I want to see you again.”
    “Me too,” she managed as his gentle touch caused all her senses to accelerate. It was official, her heartbeat didn’t stand a chance.
    “Excuse me, folks.” They looked up as the hostess approached. “We’re going to be closing in a few moments, so if you wouldn’t mind—” She left the sentence hanging with a polite smile as she moved on to one other occupied table.
    “Guess that means we have to leave.” Breaking contact which she immediately missed, Eric stood and came around to her side of the booth.
    “Guess so.” She took the hand he offered and rose. “I had a wonderful time.”
    “Even though we never did make it to the movie you suggested?”
    “This was better.”
    “I agree.”
    Nice as it was, the warmth of his palm on her back as they walked to the front did nothing to salve the depth of her disappointment their time together was about to end.
    She waited by the door while he settled their bill, then in no time he pulled his SUV to a stop in her driveway and killed the engine. Without so much as an attempt by him at a good night kiss, they made their way up the sidewalk to her door.
    “Quite a place you have here.” He indicated the Tudor style residence Elyse called home though she had yet to feel fully comfortable in it.
    A shrug hid her true feelings. “It’s paid for.”
    Head tipped back to survey the vast two story house, he let out a low whistle. “Are you kidding me? Must be nice.”
    She followed his gaze, not sure what was such a big deal about the cumbersome and unfriendly structure. “Not through my efforts. That’s for sure.”
    “You didn’t buy it?”
    Her initial answer was a head shake. “All this decorative timbering and ornate double door is not exactly my style. Our parents liked it for a summer home or something. Probably more like a tax shelter.” She was quiet for a moment, grateful he didn’t press for details. “Their wealth was about the only thing those two shared willingly with us. And I have an idea I got possession of this only because that’s how my grandfather’s law firm set up our trust.”
    As the remnants of a warm evening breeze washed over her face, she had to tilt her head back to look up at him. The man fairly towered over her, large imposing figure and all. Yet, more significant, she didn’t feel overpowered or the least bit intimidated. Climbing three broad steps in perfect sync, they reached the porch. Keys in hand, she unlocked the door.
    When she returned the key-ring to her purse, he grasped her wrist to turn her toward him then kept possession of her hands. “It must have been hard. Growing up that way.”
    “Yes, well. It’s not fair of me to bring up unhappy issues from my distant past. What you’re dealing with is much more important.”
    “Not necessarily. As you alluded to at the restaurant, some losses are never seen never brought into the open. Never see the light of day.” His voice became thick with a combination of sorrow and discomfort. “I’ve—um—” He whooshed out a breath and stared down at her. “Chris told me about the—we were talking about Angela,” he hurried on. “And the relationship the two of them have built. No secrets.”

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