Through The Pieces

Free Through The Pieces by Bobbi Jo Bentz

Book: Through The Pieces by Bobbi Jo Bentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobbi Jo Bentz
next to me. I had never been so happy. I smiled at Annie and Mel, who took turns winking at me. Everything felt so right, so natural.
    The night flew by too quickly, along with the laughs. Mel and her family needed to get back home, and I found Maggie curled up on the floor next to Boris. The sight of her sweet, sleeping form pulled at my heart. I loved her so much. While Annie got Rose up to bed, I tried to figured out how to get Maggie in the car without waking her. Then Buck knelt beside her and scooped her up in his arms. How caring and kind he was. I went upstairs to get Maggie's gift and brought it down. Buck and I said our goodbyes and got into his car. I turned to see Maggie fast asleep, buckled in the back.
    "Thank you for carrying her."
    "Anytime, Claire."
    "So, you’re sure you don't mind bringing the gift over around noon tomorrow?"
    "Not at all. I look forward to spending the day with you two." Just then Maggie's present decided to make itself known. "What was that?" Buck asked.
    "Maggie's kitten. I thought Annie told you."
    "Nope, not even a peep."
    Great I hope he didn't have a thing against cats. Or worse yet, an allergy. "If it's a problem, I could keep him in my room," I quickly added.
    "No, I just don't know how to take care of kittens. Just tell me what to do to keep it alive."
    I giggled at his remark. He was adorable when he looked worried. "Well, give her water and food and show her where the litter box is. It’s all there together, so you'll be fine. Just whatever you do, don't try and wash the kitten in the washing machine or tub. Oh, and kittens hate the microwave. So keep her out of the microwave," I teased.
    "Okay, Miss Smarty Pants. I think I can handle it. Does this kitten have a name?"
    "Nope, that is for Maggie to pick. It's all she's ever wanted. I want her to pick it."
    He nodded as if to acknowledge why it was so important. "I will take good care of the kitten and be at your place by noon."
    We drove in silence the rest of the way. He left the car running so the kitten wouldn't get cold While he carried Maggie up the stairs and through my apartment to her room. He placed her gently on the bed and she barely woke. I placed a kiss on her forehead and tucked her in tight. We closed the door and went into the living room. I walked him to the door and he turned to me and grabbed me around the waist, pulling me to him and planting his lips on mine. It was a sweet, short kiss, then he was off, murmuring that he didn't want to leave the kitten alone for long. Smiling happily, I went to get ready for bed.

Chapter 12
    Christmas morning I awoke to the sounds of excitement coming from the living room. I got out of bed and looked at the clock. Five A.M.. With a sigh, I put on my robe and shuffled out to find Maggie kneeling on the floor underneath the tree. She went from one gift to another, squealing each time she saw her name on a tag. Of course, most of them were for her. I leaned against the wall, an overwhelming sense of contentment settling around me. Our first Christmas together without the specter of Scott hanging over us to dampen our spirits. Smiling, I went into the kitchen to start some coffee. My presence was soon heard by the Christmas present explorer.
    "MOMMY! It's Christmas!"
    "Merry Christmas, Maggie," I said, as she came trampling into the kitchen. I crouched down and wrapped my arms around her.
    "Merry Christmas, Mommy. Can I open my presents?"
    "Can you give me five minutes? Then I promise you can open them all." She was not happy at the prospect of an  extended wait period. To get her on board and allow me time to finish waking up, I added, "Tell you what. Why don't you put on your Christmas pajamas? That way I can take lots of pictures."
    She mulled this over.
    "Okay, be right back."
    Good. Now I just had to wait an agonizing minute or two for my coffee. All too soon she came running around the corner at full speed.
    "Okay! okay! Now how about you open the

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