
Free Torn by Cat Clarke

Book: Torn by Cat Clarke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Clarke
knew I was being stupid. There was no way Polly was going to replace me. Their blossoming friendship was temporary, borne out of mutual Tara-loathing. It would be over soon, I was sure of it.

    Rae and I found ourselves alone in the cabin. It seemed like we were doomed to spend the rest of the trip in each other’s company. We played cards in silence, sitting cross-legged on my bed.
    ‘They’re up to something, aren’t they?’ She swiped at her fringe, which was always falling in front of her eyes. It promptly fell right back again.
    I picked up an ace from the deck. ‘Yeah, I think so.’
    ‘I overheard them talking about balaclavas or something this morning.’
    I filled Rae in on what she’d missed last night.
    She nodded thoughtfully. ‘And Cass won’t tell you what’s going on? I thought you two were supposed to be best friends or something.’
supposed to be best friends or something. I mean, we
best friends.’ I sighed. ‘She thinks I won’t approve, which is stupid.’
    ‘Sounds like she’s got something pretty major planned …’
    ‘I hope not. It’s a waste of time trying to get one over on Tara.’
    ‘Why? Don’t you think she deserves it? The way she swans around, acting like she’s Queen of thefucking Universe.’ Rae sounded bitter. ‘You used to be friends with her, didn’t you?’
    I was surprised – I thought this little nugget had been erased from the consciousness of the entire school. ‘Yeah. She was … different back then.’
    ‘I’d bloody hope so. Otherwise I’d be seriously questioning your taste.’
    ‘God, I want to go home.’
Where did
come from?
    ‘But why? Aren’t you having, like, a super-fantastic time?’ Her voice was a perfect imitation of Gemma (or Sam – they were kind of interchangeable). ‘You know what they say: “Your school years are the best years of your life.” To which I say, “If that’s true, I might as well kill myself now.”’ I laughed, and Rae looked sort of pleased.
    Cass and Polly came crashing into the cabin, slamming the door behind them. Cass was hiding something behind her back in a none-too-subtle fashion. I didn’t even bother to ask. It was too tiresome for words.
    But that didn’t stop Rae. ‘What’s that behind your back?’
    ‘Nothing!’ Guilty as anything.
    ‘If you didn’t want us to ask then you would have hidden it a bit better, wouldn’t you?’
Nice one, Rae.
    Cass shrugged. ‘It’s just a couple of props, that’s all.’
    ‘For what?’ asked Rae.
    Cass looked over her shoulder, as if worried she might be overheard. ‘For getting Tara back. Didn’t Alice tell you about the man who’s been watching us?’
    ‘The fake man you made up to try and scare Tara? Yeah – pretty lame, if you ask me.’
    ‘Ah, but you don’t know the half of it. That was just laying the groundwork. Wait till you hear the rest!’
    ‘Oh great, so you’ll tell Rae, but not me. That’s charming.’ I sounded like a five-year-old.
    ‘Aw, don’t be like that, Alice. I was always gonna tell you! And besides, we’re going to need your help. Both of you.’
    Rae and I looked at each other. I don’t know what was going through her mind, but I was thinking
    Rae retreated to her bed and picked up her iPod. ‘I can’t be arsed. Sounds like more trouble than it’s worth.’
    ‘But don’t you want to teach her a lesson? Show her she’s not as great as she thinks she is? Get her back for everything?’ Cass’s voice was fierce and her eyes were shining with excitement.
    ‘Get her back for what? She’s never done anything to me,’ said Rae.
    ‘But she’s
you, hasn’t she? She’s ignored all of us. And look at what she did to Polly!’ Polly nodded along with Cass’s words, looking more like a lapdog than ever.
    I had to say it: ‘Actually, Tara told me it wasn’t her.’
    Cass’s laugh was an ugly bark. ‘Since when do you and Bitchface share heart-to-hearts? Oh wait, I

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