Will the Real Abi Sanders Please Stand Up?
about the noise coming from Tilly’s suite last night. I wonder who she was with and what they were doing? You’d think she’d try to be more discreet. Not that it’s any of my business, even if I can’t wait to tell Liv who, like me, will be dying to know everything that happened.
    “You try being emotional with a script like this.” Tilly folds her arms and glares at Zac like a petulant child. She’s treading on dangerous ground if you ask me.
    Zac strides toward her, visibly relaxing his facial muscles on his way. “You’re the best, Tilly. You can do it. Come on, do it for me. Let’s wrap this scene up,” he says when he’s standing in front of her. He turns away from Tilly, the expression on his face unreadable, and faces the crew. “Okay, guys. Close up on Tilly, show her emotion at seeing Hui alive, then camera left to shoot Abi from behind as she runs with Vince and jumps on the back of the motorcycle.”
    What is it with this movie that I seem to spend so much time jumping onto the back of a motorcycle? I don’t see why they can’t keep using the same shot each time. Who’s going to know? Okay, I guess that’s not the attitude, and without all these shots I’d be hanging around doing not a lot, but even so.
    “Make sure you shoot from the waist up. I don’t want my fans thinking I have a b-b-b-butt the size of an elephant,” Tilly growls.
    Suddenly, all eyes are on me, and I just know my face is crimson. When will she stop with the mockery? I won’t let her see I’m upset, though, because she’ll only be worse. Not that anyone is going to say anything to her about it.
    She’s the star.
    What’s wrong with my butt, anyway? It’s not that big, and everyone says Tilly and I are the same size. Plus now I have my fake boobs, which makes me a lot more curvy and in proportion than before.
    “Ignore her,” says Vince cutting into my thoughts. “She’s not having a good day. And by the way, your butt is fine.” He casts a glance at my ass and nods.
    You know, when Vince is made up to look like Nathan, he’s quite cute, with his dark, close-cropped curls and big brown eyes. Not that I have the hots for him in that way. He’s just a great guy to hang out with. I prefer the less chiseled and more ruffled look, like…like… No, I’m not going down that path. Matt’s just a friend.
    “Thanks. I just don’t get why she has to be like this when she has such an amazing life.”
    Even if what Vince says about being a star—about how it’s not all it’s hyped up to be—is true, there are still millions of girls in this world who would give everything to have what Tilly has, and she should stop for a moment and think about that. I know that if the positions were reversed and I was the movie star, then I’d be nice to everyone and I’d be grateful for everything I had.
    Even just doing this gig I’m pretty grateful, because it’s more than most girls my age would ever get to do.
    “It might seem amazing to you, but her career is close to the edge. No one will employ her. This low-budget movie is her last chance,” Vince says, folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the tree.
    “You’re kidding. Why, when her movies are so successful? I don’t get it.”
    “Because she’s so hard to manage, and directors are getting sick of having to deal with it. Every time she pulls a diva routine, it costs the studio money. The producers get pissed since they have to pay all of the crew overtime because movies are behind schedule. She’s not as bankable as she used to be, and if she’s not bringing in the money she’s costing the studio…”
    “I had no idea.” I shake my head.
    So the investors really are taking a huge risk. Scary for them if everything depends on Tilly pulling it off. Maybe that’s why they had to hire a total unknown like me. If Tilly screws up, they stand to lose a lot of money, so they have to keep costs down in other areas where they can. I sort of feel

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