Double Her Fantasy

Free Double Her Fantasy by Randi Alexander

Book: Double Her Fantasy by Randi Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randi Alexander
Tags: Erotic Romance
“After the stalker, I mean.”
    His chest hurt for her. All she’d had to go through. “I don’t blame you.”
    They sat for a few minutes, snuggled together. Something tried to burst out of him. Words of promise, of a future where he’d protect her and she’d never have to worry again. Damn. He couldn’t remember when he’d been this anxious to have someone in his life.
    “Okay.” He sat forward and grabbed the TV remote. “Enough secrets. Let’s watch a movie and eat.” He went right to the Western channel. “I need to get some work done this afternoon, and you should probably take a nap.”
    “Garret said he’s taking you out tonight.” He fed her a bite of his hamburger. “After you go clubbing, he’ll find an after party and keep you out until sunrise.”
    “Hm. That’ll be different.”
    Trey heard the hesitation in her voice. “He was raised a gentlemen. You don’t have to worry about him getting crazy.”
    “I wasn’t worried about that. I trust him well enough.” She gave him a grimace. “I was more concerned about being out with him. With the paparazzi following him.”
    “He knows how to avoid them. You’ll be safe.”
    “Promise?” She laid her head on his shoulder.
    His heart thudded a couple times. “Promise.” He’d tell his brother about her stalker and they’d choose clubs where security was at maximum.
    Garret rode the elevator to the 37th floor. He checked his watch. Nearly eleven p.m. He made a quick stop in his suite to shower and change into a suit, keeping quiet to avoid waking his brother.
    Trey had called him earlier and warned him about Megan’s shy side, told him about her stalker, her having to change her name. It had made Garret so angry, he’d nearly punched the wall. Something about her brought out the fighting cowboy in him. The only good thing was this confirmed his belief that she’d never take their lifestyle to the tabloids.
    He jogged across the concierge level and rang her doorbell.
    She opened it, standing there in a sexy green dress, nearly the color of her eyes, spiky heeled black sandals, and a gorgeous smile.
    “Goddamn, you look good.” He stepped forward and tugged her to him. He kissed her, tasting her lip gloss, and smearing it all over him. Running a hand up from her neck, he played with her long, thick hair.
    She melted into him, her mouth opening for his tongue.
    He tasted her, teased and sucked at her. With a quick nip on her full lower lip, he eased back from her.
    “That color looks good on you.” She handed him a tissue.
    He wiped his lips. “Tastes good on you.” A rogue wave of desire washed down into his cock, hardening it, tightening his balls. Those lips of hers had been all over his shaft last night.
    Her eyes darkened. Her nipples puckered. The energy between them could light the whole city.
    “Better get going before I toss you over my shoulder and carry you down to my suite.”
    She picked up a little black purse on a chain. “The tossing and carrying might be fun.”
    He grabbed her arms gently.
    “But, I know this evening is about us getting better acquainted.”
    “Baby, with one word, all that ‘get to know me’ crap is history.” He said it as a joke, but he meant it as a promise.
    “I’d like that, but I’m intrigued by the fact that this waiting period was your idea.”
    He took her hand and led her to the elevator. “Yep. Dumbest idea I’ve ever had.”
    She laughed and leaned into him. “It’s perfect.” Once in the elevator, she asked, “Why did you suggest it?”
    “After you almost ran out on us last night, I saw the need to slow down.” He shrugged. “You’re important to us. To me.” Damn, too deep. Pulling her against him, he grabbed her tight, round ass. “Right now, though, with you in my arms. Mmm. I could really get things speeded up.”
    She rotated her hips, pressing her belly against his quickly hardening cock. “I know what you mean.”
    Everything in him

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