Lost & Found

Free Lost & Found by Kelly Jamieson

Book: Lost & Found by Kelly Jamieson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Jamieson
right there in front of them, or he was going to burst. Gritting his teeth, he rose to his feet and almost staggered out of the room.
    “I’ll give you two some privacy,” he muttered, and headed to his room.
    He tore off the sunglasses, not bothering with the light in his room, and fell onto the bed, hands fumbling at his zipper. He shoved his jeans open and down, pulled out his aching cock and fisted it. He groaned into the soft darkness, the pull of his hand gratifying, relieving. He slid his other hand under his T-shirt, rubbed his chest as he thrust into his fist. Then he lowered his hand to cup his balls, squeezed, and pumped into his hand only a few times before he came, white hot streams of semen spurting onto his belly.
    He lay there panting, staring at the ceiling.
    Derek was only half right. Nate did like to watch. But Derek liked to watch, too.

Lost and Found

Chapter Nine
    Krissa watched Cameron lift up her shirt, exposing her full breast, the nipple distended, blue veins visible under almost translucent skin. Cameron directed the nipple into the mouth of her waiting baby, who latched on. Immediately her little cheeks worked as she suckled.
    Krissa sighed as she watched, fascinated, envious. Her own nipples hardened and she ached way down low. Cameron adjusted the baby with a cushion beneath her arm and smiled down at her tiny daughter who gazed back up at her with wide eyes.
    Krissa appreciated the beauty of the picture they made, but for some reason felt confused, a jumble of emotions inside her. Probably because of last night.
    Heat cascaded over her. She’d had to escape the house, unable to stay home and face Nate all alone, all day. She closed her eyes at the memory of what she and Derek had done in front of him. God! How embarrassing.
    And yet…exciting.
    What had Derek meant—he liked to watch? Her imagination could go wild with scenes of Nate and Derek and…who? When? Oh, God.
    She throbbed between her legs, clenched her thighs together.
    “She slept eight hours last night,” Cameron said, raising her gaze from her baby to Krissa. “God, it felt good. The twins didn’t sleep through the night ’til they were almost a year old.”
    “They’re boys. I hear boys are slower at everything.”
    Cameron giggled. “It’s true. Look at them.” Her gaze went to the far end of the family room where the two boys played with plastic building blocks. “They’re three years old and just out of diapers.” She rolled her eyes.
    “That’s not bad,” Krissa said.
    Cameron grinned. “What do you know about toilet training?”
    Ah. Busted. Krissa didn’t want to admit to Cam that she’d been reading all about babies and pregnancy for the last two years. She probably knew more than most mothers.
    “And we had sex last night.”
    Krissa choked on a laugh. “Cam!”
    “What? That’s big news. It was the first time in…God. Months.” She sighed. “You’re supposed to wait six weeks, but after six weeks I was still, don’t touch me!”
    “You look great.” And she did. Cam’s shoulder-length blonde hair could use some fresh highlights, and without any makeup her pale lashes and freckles made her look like a teenager. The faded T-shirt and old khaki shorts didn’t exactly do much for her, but hey, she was a mom at home with her kids. She looked fine.
    Cam laughed. “I look like hell. But I’ve lost the weight. Just wish I had time to shower and put on make-up once in a while. What’s new with you?” Cameron touched a finger to baby Emma’s cheek.
    “Um…do you remember Derek’s friend Nate?”
    “The big shot photographer?”
    Krissa smiled. “Yes. He’s home. He’s staying with us for a while.”
    She told Cam about Nate’s eye problems.
    “That’s so awful.” Cam’s brows drew together. “I hope he gets better.”
    “Me, too. He’s so talented…I think it would kill him if he couldn’t take pictures.”
    Cam sighed. “I have to go back to work in a few weeks. Can you

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