
Free Undisputed by A.S. Teague

Book: Undisputed by A.S. Teague Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.S. Teague
Tags: Novel
knock the cup of water over. When my fingers finally find purchase on the offending item, I’m tempted to throw it across the room. “Fuck, what time is it? Six fifteen? Jesus, it’s so early.”
    No wonder it’s so dark in here . The sun isn’t even up yet and someone’s e-mailing me already? I swear, if it’s someone from work, I’m going to march in there and quit my fucking job. Only not really. I already have entirely too much on my to-do list without adding clearing my desk out.
    As my eyes adjust to the bright light from the screen in contrast to the dark room, I make out the sender. Marie Holmes—Make-A-Wish Foundation. Suddenly more alert than if it were noon, I scramble to sit up.
    For a brief moment, I think I hear my bed groan in protest, asking me not to get up.
    “Trust me, I don’t want to, either,” I mutter to no one. Opening the e-mail, I realize I’m holding my breath.
    Please be good. Please say yes. Please don’t turn him down, I chant over and over, terrified at the thought of having to tell Connor that that rich asshole denied the one thing he hasn’t stopped talking about. Before I can bring myself to continue reading, I rationalize that, if it’s a no, Abby’s telling Connor. I’ll be busy tracking down this KO dude and making him change his mind. He might be the champion, but I’ll find a way to drag his ass back here one way or another.
    Note to self: Research horse tranquilizers.
    Blowing a breath out, I finally begin to read.
    Dear Ms. O’Neil,
    It is our immense pleasure to inform you that Mr. Connor O’Neil’s wish has been GRANTED!
    We have spoken with Mr. Carlisle’s manager, Tripp Toler IV. He has informed us that Mr. Carlisle is thrilled at the chance to meet with Connor and has several surprises lined up for him. We have forwarded your information to him and he should be in touch soon to set up a meeting time and place, whatever is most convenient for you.
    We look forward to seeing this wish become a reality with Connor. Thank you for your love and dedication to your nephew.
    Marie Holmes
    Administrative Assistant
    Make-A-Wish Foundation
    I read the e-mail no less than half a dozen times, my heart pounding harder with each one. They said yes! With a loud squeal, I fly out of bed and rush to my closet. While Connor and I are close, I don’t think he would appreciate seeing me in a tank top and panties, no matter how exciting the news may be.
    Blindly, I grab a shirt and yoga pants to throw on. As I finish tugging the faded, black pants up over my ass, my phone dings, this time indicating a text message. It’s a number I don’t recognize, so I decide to open it before I head downstairs to talk to Abby.
    Unknown: Hello, Mrs. O’Neil. My name is Tripp Toler IV. I represent Breccan Carlisle, light Heavyweight champion of the world. We are thrilled that Connor wants to meet his hero and would like to get the meeting scheduled as soon as possible. Mr. Carlisle has free time on October fifteenth. Would this date be suitable to you?
    Mrs. I snort. Yeah, okay. At this rate, I’ll never be a Mrs. I’m more likely to be addressed as “Sidney O’Neil, that crazy cat lady” than Mrs.
    Except you don’t like cats , I remind myself.
    I could learn to like cats , I counter before I realize I’m arguing with myself.
    At that, I decide I’ll probably just be known as “that crazy lady” instead.
    Glancing back at the text, I think, What kind of name is Tripp Toler IV ? And, really, does he need to mention that Breccan is the light heavyweight champion? I’m still rolling my eyes at the formality as I open my calendar to check the date he’s suggested. October fifteenth is this weekend, and we don’t have any plans as far as I can tell. I quickly jump back to my e-mails to see if Abby has given me any travel information for that weekend.
    When I told her that Connor was eligible for the Make-A-Wish program, she instructed me to handle it. This

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