Hometown Holiday Reunion

Free Hometown Holiday Reunion by Mia Ross

Book: Hometown Holiday Reunion by Mia Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Ross
she’d figured out where his argument was headed.
    â€œDoes he ever roughhouse with your brothers or that monster golden retriever, Charlie?” This time, she kept quiet, and he knew he’d made his point. “I promise he won’t be doing anything on his own. But since he’s on vacation all week, I thought he might enjoy making some money while he learns things they don’t teach in school anymore.”
    â€œWell...” Her eyes darted around the evolving construction zone as if they were searching for a reason to nix his idea. Finally, they settled on him and to his surprise, she smiled. “It’s a great idea, and I know he’ll have a blast. Thank you for thinking of it.”
    â€œNo problem.” That didn’t seem like enough, and even though it wasn’t like him to be so open with people, he decided to share what he was thinking. “It’s obvious he’s had a tough time, but he really loves you. It can’t be easy being a single parent, but you’re doing a great job.”
    â€œMom’s a big help,” Erin said with a fond smile. “Abby started calling him her cousin right off, and the boys have been awesome.”
    She gave him a long, assessing look, and he got the distinct feeling that she was measuring him for something. “He needs a guy that’s kind of his, like a big brother or an uncle.”
    â€œYou mean, like a father figure?” She nodded, and he frowned. “Considering the example I had, you really think I’m the right choice for that?”
    â€œJust because your dad was a failure doesn’t mean you will be, too. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you wound up being a better father because you know what not to do.”
    The gentle sympathy in her voice caught him off guard, and he stared at her in amazement. Since she was from such a tight-knit family, he knew Erin didn’t say things like that lightly. “You think I’ll make a good dad?”
    â€œSomeday,” she added hastily, blushing a little before turning away. “With the right person.”
    Stunned by her comments, he couldn’t come up with a single rational thing to say. The awkward silence felt like it was dragging on, and he was desperately hunting for a way to end it when her cell phone rang.
    She checked the caller ID with a worried look before answering. “Hi, Alice. Merry Christmas to you, too. I didn’t think we were going to hear from you until after the New Year. What’s up?”
    Cam moved away to give her some privacy, gathering up his tools as quietly as possible so he wouldn’t distract her from what appeared to be a very serious conversation. He glanced over several times, though, and each time she looked more upset. After several minutes, she ended the call and sank down onto the bottom step as if she couldn’t stay on her feet another second longer.
    â€œErin?” She didn’t seem to hear him, and he repeated her name a little louder. When those hazel eyes met his, they were filled with something he’d never seen in this brash, forthright woman. Fear.
    Hurrying across the room, he settled on one knee in front of her and braced himself for the worst. “What’s wrong? Who’s Alice?”
    After a long delay, Erin gave herself a visible shake and glanced up the stairs. “Not here.”
    She stood and walked toward the front door. As he followed her, it occurred to him that she was trying to make sure Parker wouldn’t overhear their conversation. As upset as she was, it really impressed him that she could put aside her own distress in an attempt to spare her foster son’s feelings.
    When they were standing by the front display window, she answered him in a hushed voice. “That was Parker’s social worker.”
    He realized she was trembling, and he steadied her with a hand on her shoulder. “What’d she

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