The Pandora Directive: A Tex Murphy Novel
me. I move quickly to intercept her before she could reach the automatic doors. “Listen. My name’s Tex Murphy, and I understand that you just did me a real big favour. I’d like to, you know, repay the debt.”
    “Thank you, but I’m really not interested.”
    She was cool. Very cool. Charm was exuding from every pore. Yet somehow she resisted. It was only a matter of time.
    “You want to have dinner tonight?”
    “I was planning on having dinner, just not with you.”
    Ouch. Deep in my Psyche, Commander Hormone called for a retreat. I moved aside. The beautiful woman swept through the sliding doors, down the steps, out of my life and into the shuttle entrance.
    Breakfast or sleep? Food generally takes a back seat to almost everything. I took a taxi back to my office and caught a quick power nap. When I woke up, it was late afternoon, and my initial hunger had passed. It was just as well; I always think more clearly on an empty stomach. After firing up a pot of Java and breakfast Cubana, I sat down at my desk and ran through a mental list of things to get done.
    I needed to find out the identity of the man I’d run into last night. For now, I’d call him…Bob. between the clandestine caller at the Twilight and the photographs of Sandra Collins, I had to conclude that Bob was not just a run of the mill pervert. The fact that he appeared to have been searching Emily’s apartment implied another agenda besides serial killing. And what about the mysterious Black Avatar speeder? No, Bob was a part of something bigger. Much bigger.
    I also needed to make a stop at the Fuchsia Flamingo. I needed more information about Malloy, and it seemed Emily was the only person I knew who could help. And what about the object Bob had been carrying last night? Something told me that it was important. Maybe Emily could give me a lead on it. What kind of shape would she be in after last night’s experiences?
    My voice messaging unit beeped. I took a sip of coffee and leaned over to check the display. Five messages. I hit the play button and settled back into my chair.
    The first voice was Chelsea’s. “High, Tex. Chelsea. I just wanted to see how you’re doing. Bye.”
    The next was a hang up.
    The third was from Fitzpatrick. “Hello, Mr Murphy. Please call me at your convenience.”
    Number four was Chelsea again. “Hey, Tex. Just wanted to see if you got my first message. Call me.”
    The final message was from Lucas Purnell. “Got something for ya. Get a hold of me ASAP.”
    I hit the reset button and finished my cup of coffee. Three more things to do. I prioritised: clients first, love interests second, informants third. After refilling my coffee mug, I pulled out Fitzpatrick’s business card and entered the phone code.
    Fitzpatrick’s disconcerting eyes and transparent face flashed onto my view hearth screen.
    “Mr Fitzpatrick. I just got your message. I assume that you called to get an update on the investigation.”
    “If it’s not too much trouble. I certainly hope I’m not inconveniencing you.”
    “Not at all. Keeping the client informed is a part of the deluxe investigative package.”
    “Wonderful! So tell me, how are your efforts progressing?”
    “Very well. I’ve been able to track down a girl Malloy was seeing recently. I’m about to go see her. I have high hopes that she’ll give us some useful information.”
    “Excellent! Anything else?”
    I paused to take another sip of coffee. I have several other leads, but I won’t know how valuable they are until I track them down.”
    “Well I won’t take any more and more of your time. If it’s not an annoyance, I’d appreciate it if you’d keep me informed as you progress.”
    “I’d be happy to.”
    “Thank you, Mr Murphy. Goodbye.”
    The screen went black. Fitzpatrick’s obvious impatience was equalled only by his monumental politeness. Though he’d never said anything about a time limit, his tone implied that there was one. My

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