Bath Belles

Free Bath Belles by Joan Smith

Book: Bath Belles by Joan Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Smith
Tags: Regency Romance
that sad topic up in polite ribbons. “But life goes on, Miss Haley.”
    “It does, you know,”Duke confirmed.
    “Now it is time for you to think of the future,”Sutton continued. “I insist you treat this visit to London as the holiday it ought to be and enjoy yourself, as Graham would want you to. I intend to see you follow my orders. That I share with Graham—a dictator!”He smiled. No dictator had such an enchanting smile.
    “Oh, I am enjoying it, except for certain minor irritations,”I assured him.
    “Aunt Yootha told me about your difficulties. Please feel free to call on me if there is any problem that requires a man’s intervention. I am unhappy you ladies have no man about the place. If Maitland returns to pester you, let me know and I’ll speak to him.”
    “As to that, I’m the one ought to speak to Des,”Duke interrupted. “Thing is—a bit of a pal of mine. I’ll tip him the clue. Not like Des to be so rag-mannered.”
    I was surprised to hear Duke and Maitland were friends, for they were of such very different types. “I doubt we’ll see him again, since he’s been exposed, but really I hardly blame him for trying to recover his money. It is only natural.”
    “The way he went about it is not natural, but very havy-cavy,”Mr. Sutton insisted. “Why did he not write you a letter and explain himself?”
    “That occurred to me, too,”I said. Duke scratched his ear, but he had no excuse to offer on his friend’s behalf. “It is odd the way he went about his business, but he knows now the money is not at Elm Street. I don’t think he’ll bother us again.”
    Mr. Sutton nodded thoughtfully. “Don’t let an unfortunate beginning put you off our city. London’s not really such a bad place, you know. And have there been any other troubles? The lawyer has discharged all his duties, I trust? Turned over Graham’s carriage and personal effects?”
    “Not the carriage—though he gave me a letter telling me its location and directing the stable to turn it over to me when I want it. I am thinking of hiring job horses for the duration of our visit.’’
    “Now there is one way I might be able to help you! Let me hire the team for you. A lady can’t go down to Tattersall’s. If you want to give me the solicitor’s letter, I’ll collect the carriage as well. You’ll need a place to stable the rig and horses.”
    I smiled gratefully at his kindness. “We could use some help in such matters. I expect I’ll put the carriage up for sale when we leave.”
    “It was a dandy landau Graham had. It won’t be any problem finding a buyer,”Mr. Sutton said. “I expect you’ll want to dispose of other personal effects as well. I’ll tell you what, Miss Haley, why don’t you let me take charge of all that? You won’t want to have to sort through his shirts and boots—it would be too painful for you.”
    “I was going to have Hotchkiss, our servant, do it, but you would have a better idea how to dispose of Graham’s things. I want to give it all to charity.”
    “That’s what Graham would want.”
    Duke leaned forward and intruded upon our talk again. “I didn’t hear any details about your house being torn apart, and about Des having the gall to let on he wanted to buy it. He is up to anything.”
    “Why don’t you speak to Miss Esther, Duke?”Sutton suggested in a patient way.
    “Eh? Thought you was supposed to ... That is ... By Jove, she’s a taking little thing, ain’t she?”
    “Very pretty,”Mr. Sutton agreed. He shook his head and rolled his eyes ceilingward as Duke wobbled up and sauntered across the floor to make a bow to Esther.
    “He is really the best of good fellows,”he assured me. “A bit of a trial to his friends, but we all tolerate his idiosyncrasies. And he is extremely eligible, too.”
    “But is he of sound character? Esther is a simple Bath miss. I don’t want her meeting just anyone.”
    “Despite his being a friend of Maitland, Duke is

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