Vanilla On Top
seat. What size?”
    “I’ll be right back.”
    I make myself comfortable and wait. In a moment the man returns, carrying three boxes of varying sizes with him instead of one. I hide a smile at his obvious attempt to sell me more shoes than simply the pair that caught my eye.
    “I brought out two other pairs I thought would look stunning on you.”
    “Sounds nice. Let’s try the first one.”
    With great showmanship, he removes the paper and bars used during shipping. I slip off my flats and, with my feet, scoot them beneath the chair. A warm hand glides down my ankle, leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
    “May I?” he asks while looking up at me through his thick lashes.
    I nod, a lump in my throat. He’s handsome. Not as good looking as Tony, but not shabby by a long shot. Or as Carla would say, Damn, I wouldn’t kick him out of bed for eating crackers .
    Gently he raises my foot, angles the pumps over the toes and slides the red leather onto my foot. A shiver steals up my back as I watch each sensual movement of his hands. Wow. I must be shopping at the wrong stores. I’ve never been turned on while buying footwear before.
    You’ve never been turned on by much before. Embrace it, don’t analyze it to death!
    He repeats the process with my other foot, then rises and waits for me to stand. The warmth from his hands lingers on my skin, reminding me of Tony’s hands on my backside last night. Recalling his attention, the heat in my middle spreads to my panties. I stand, experiencing a slight head rush from moving too quickly.
    I must look unbalanced because the young man reaches out a hand in offer if I need it. “How do they feel?”
    I ignore his hand and take stock of my feet, placing my weight firmly in the shoe and getting a sense of my balance. “So far, so good. They don’t hurt, but the real test will be walking in them.”
    I pace the length of the store, moving my hips a little more than I normally would. I like the way I feel in them. Sleek and powerful. Turning around, I catch the man’s eyes at butt level, not near the floor on my shoes. I march back to my chair, feeling like a lioness going after prey. By the look on his face, I bet he’d be eager to be caught.
    “You look good,” he says. His face freezes once he realizes what he said. “I mean the shoes, they look good on you.”
    I smile and stand near the chair, testing my weight on each foot to check for pinches. “I like them, too.” I lower to the seat, offering my ankle for him to assist. “Let’s try the next pair.”
    A familiar voice comes from the doorway. “I agree.” I whip around to see Tony moving straight for me, a dark look of desire and anger mixed in his expression. “You should get those.”

Chapter Six
    White hot rage coursed through me when I saw that punk sales guy kneeling at Heather’s feet with a hand on her leg. Her sexy stroll across the room had me ready to run in and sucker punch the look of interest off his face.
    Every fiber of my being wants to claim this woman as my own, but common sense stops me before I do anything rash.
    “Tony,” her voice comes out low and breathless. “What are you doing here?” She looks down at her wrist, checking the time.
    I stare at the kneeling man, letting my displeasure show. He jerks his hand off her ankle likes he’s been burned. “Just walking by,” I say, trying to calm the jealousy swimming through my system. The salesman scrambles to his feet and steps back, wisely putting distance between me and my intended target—Heather. I stalk forward. “Happened to see your familiar profile.” I smile while lowering to one knee, hoping the expression on my face is more seductive than scary-jealous-guy .
    I stare into her surprised face and curve a hand possessively around her exposed calf, trailing it slowly down to her ankle. “Your hair looks great , ” I say softly, resisting the urge to touch the soft curls. I want to run my hand through

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