Freaks of Greenfield High
    Apparently so. He’d obviously convinced himself his physical charms had the power to completely overwhelm her good sense. The boy was an idiot.
    “So how ’bout you and me hook up later on?” he said. “Pick you up at nine and—”
    “I don’t think so.”
    He blinked at her. “Aw, don’t be like that, babe. This playing hard to get thing is getting old.”
    His tone was light, bantering, but his gaze was challenging. You don’t want to mess with me , it seemed to say. Delusional boy. She was going to enjoy thwarting him.
    He reached for her.
    Ignoring Tyler’s shout of protest, Jay let Shawn grab her wrist and tug her toward him. As Shawn bent his head, she realized he was about to kiss her—force her to comply and fall in with his wishes. She grasped his chin in her hand and dulled her eyes so her gaze was flat and cold and menacing. “Are you trying to shut my effing mouth by kissing me, Shawn?”
    He froze. The cocky grin slid off his face.
    She thrust him away and stared him down. “I would rather not be bothered by two-timing sleaze-bags, Shawn. For some reason they make me nauseous.”
    Behind her, Tyler snorted with laughter.
    “Bitch.” Shawn’s expression darkened. He raised his hand as if he was about to hit out at her. Then he seemed to think better of it and dropped his arm. He was on edge, his heart rate elevated, a pulse throbbing at his temple. It would not take much to provoke him.
    Jay reviewed what she knew about Shawn and his family, and debated her options. If he did lose his temper and hit her, there was a high probability it would work in her favor. When it got around that he’d hit a girl, Shawn’s godlike reputation amongst the students—both male and female—would take a severe hit.
    She released the merest whiff of a very specific pheromone into the air and watched Shawn inhale. A fine sweat broke out on his forehead. His fists clenched and unclenched, clenched again.
    “You’re such a daddy’s boy,” she said, curling her lip into a sneer. “Without his money to throw around, you’re nothing special, Shawn. You should hear what your team say about you behind your back.”
    His nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed to slits. “What do they say?”
    Ah yes. She’d been correct to base her verbal attack on his male pride. This was going to be ludicrously easy. “Only that your daddy bought your place on the team with a hefty donation. It must be a real blow to your pride to know you wouldn’t have been good enough otherwise.”
    “Jay.” Tyler’s voice throbbed with anxiety. “I don’t think—”
    “I’m fine, Tyler.” She swept her glance over Shawn. “He’s nothing I can’t handle.”
    Shawn’s tanned complexion turned a mottled red.
    Jay laughed, and made certain it was a derisive, mocking sound. “Poor Shawn. Did I hurt your feelings? Never mind. I’m sure you’ll get over it. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that Caro and I had an enlightening little chat this afternoon. I’m sure it won’t take much more effort on my part to convince her to dump your less-than-toned glutes.”
    Shawn frowned as he processed that last part.
    “Are you saying—?”
    “Yes, Shawn. You have a—” she sought the most suitable slang phrase “—flabby ass.”
    He lost it.
    Of course Jay saw the blow coming, but she chose not to exert herself by blocking it. Whatever Shawn did, it was highly unlikely to permanently damage her. To Jay, the logic that had led to this moment was perfectly sound, so she stood perfectly still, relaxed her facial muscles, and allowed his hand to connect with her cheek.
    “Jesus!” She heard Matt’s shocked voice.
    Excellent. Her decision was already having the desired effect.
    Unfortunately, Tyler wasn’t aware Jay didn’t feel pain. Or that she had weighed her options and concluded it was in her best

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