Goodly Creatures: A Pride and Prejudice Deviation

Free Goodly Creatures: A Pride and Prejudice Deviation by Beth Massey

Book: Goodly Creatures: A Pride and Prejudice Deviation by Beth Massey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Massey
impropriety of her current situation. Still smiling at the Viscount she said, “Lord Wolfbridge, I think I must be leaving.” She cautiously, and she hoped casually, walked toward the hall door. Lord Wolfbridge looked at her as though she were daft. However, he did not try to stop her. As she approached the door, he appeared to be holding his breath, waiting for a desired reaction. React she did when she turned the knob and realized the door was locked. The look of panic on her face seemed to be worth the wait for Lord Wolfbridge.
    Elizabeth was unsure what to do next. She could feel her eyes welling up but refused to cry. He seemed to like her distress, and she was sure tears would make him even happier. He obviously wanted something from her, but she could not figure out what that was. Was this the way men seduced women? If it was, why did he seem to enjoy seeing her suffer? She would have thought the object would be to charm her into forgetting what he was about… reading poetry… telling her of the beauty of her eyes… asking for a lock of her hair. Instead, Lord Wolfbridge just kept smiling at her with those teeth she had thought so beautiful. How silly she had been to think a viscount found her someone worthy of knowing.
    “Your lordship, why are you here?’’
    “I want you.”
    “What do you mean, you want me? Surely you do not mean you desire marriage.”
    His laughter filled the room. “Oh silly, silly girl, of course not. My situation in life, my title, my connections are entirely too substantial to consider wedding someone like you. As I entered, I witnessed your snooping to learn what books I am reading. Upon your recommendation, I am enjoying Les Liaisons Dangereuses.” Waving his finger in mock admonishment, he continued, “You are a very naughty girl, Miss Elizabeth.” She heard him cluck disapprovingly and shake his head, “… to have read such a book. Having just finished the part where the vicomte visits young Cecile in her bedchamber, I became inspired to act out such a scene with you when I found you here alone, I am a viscount like Valmont and you are a little girl in need of training and possibly even a bit of punishment.” He smiled lasciviously and finished his speech with, “I am just the man to provide that for you.”
    Elizabeth shuddered. “Please do not compromise me. I have four sisters and a scandal would be disastrous for their prospects. Please, I beg you, let me leave. I will never tell anyone what you just said.” She gritted her teeth to stop the tears. “Please, I am but fifteen. Please, Lord Wolfbridge, I just want to go home. Please, I am afraid.” Lizzy realized immediately she had said the wrong thing. She saw the look of pleasure that crossed his… could she have really thought him so handsome.
    The Viscount came over to her and put his hand around her upper arm. His hand was huge compared to her arm. She smelled port on his breath. With practically no effort, he pulled her toward the connecting door. The door led to a bedchamber that smelled of pipe smoke.
    Elizabeth realized Anne had not taken her to her own, but instead to Lord Wolfbridge’s sitting room. Anne had said she was her friend. She realized in that instant her situation was hopeless. He was more than twice her size… perhaps even three times. She was afraid to try to fight him… she was afraid to scream. The Darcys’ servants would come and find her alone with him in his bedchamber. None would believe Anne’s role, and all would think she had agreed to be here with him. She was still fighting back tears when she came to a decision. If she went along with him, perhaps an opportunity to escape might present itself.
    Lord Wolfbridge calmly sat down in a chair and proceeded to light his pipe and sip his port. “Now, little girl, I think it is time for you to disrobe. I want to see just how deliciously girlish you are.”
    Elizabeth was horrified at his suggestion. Suddenly she realized there was

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