All the Way

Free All the Way by Jennifer Probst

Book: All the Way by Jennifer Probst Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Probst
begin breaking down some of her barriers, and then take off for greener pastures when the impulse struck. At least she knew she was done this time. One hundred percent over him. She craved stability and peace. Gavin dumped her life upside down and shook out the contents. She prepared for his call the next day and pumped herself up to give him the kiss-off speech of the century.
    But he never called. She threw a bag of lettuce, apples, and cheese into the crisper, and squirmed. The man waited two whole days to contact her, then acted outraged when she told him she never wanted to see him. Again.
    Miranda took out the Ginseng tea, along with the honey chamomile, to hopefully help her sleep. Any other man would accept her decision and move on. Not Gavin. So he’d started with the gifts.
    First candy. He must have bought out every Godiva truffle in Manhattan, in every size, shape, and flavor. She took one box home and gave the rest to her coworkers. At least he remembered her weakness for chocolate. Not that it mattered.
    Then the music. An iPod filled will all of her favorite songs, all with a theme. Romance and forgiveness. The man even slipped in Barry Manilow—her secret passion.
    Now flowers. She peeked into the living room and gazed at the sensual beauty filling up every space. She adored roses.
    Who cared that he was good at remembering what a woman liked? Probably a talent he used to seduce females into his bed. Their relationship was over, and roses and candy and music did not make up for the past. She filled the kettle and began to settle into her evening tea when the bell rang. Another delivery? Great. She trashes his restaurant, and he sends her flowers. Sounded like a bad country song. She flung open the door.
    “Why won’t you take my calls?”
    Miranda crossed her arms in front of her chest. “How’d you get those roses in my apartment without a key?”
    “I know people.”
    “Great. Mafia florists.” He brushed past her and walked in. She closed the door in resignation. “Gavin, what do you want?”
    “I want to know why you won’t talk to me. I thought we connected at Andy’s.”
    She arched a brow. “We connected so much you stumbled to the door in a haste to get away. When things get emotional, you leave. You’re the same man you were before, and I was a fool to forget. You can only be involved with a woman if you’re completely in control of the situation.”
    Understanding dawned on his face. He groaned and rubbed his temple. “Ah, shit, now I know why you’re so mad. It’s because I left before you woke, isn’t it?”
    She shrugged. “Doesn’t matter.”
    Gavin swore under his breath. “I can’t believe this. For the first time in my life, I try to do the right thing and I fuck up. Miranda, I thought you’d want some space. I decided to leave because I didn’t want to push, and when Andy and Elaine came back I didn’t want you to feel awkward.”
    She stared at him warily. “Is that why you didn’t call?”
    He nodded. “I wanted to give you two days. I figured it was a good time for you to come to terms with rebuilding this relationship. I wanted to text or call, but I thought you needed time.”
    Suddenly drained, her shoulders slumped. She sat down on one of the counter stools. “I can’t do this anymore, Gavin.”
    Was that a flicker of fear on his face? Probably just a trick of the light. “Do what, baby?”
    “Something happened at Andy’s. I felt—I felt almost as if I was discovering you all over again. Part of me wanted to surrender, and the other part knew I could never trust you.”
    He took the stool next to her. His voice was gentle was he spoke. “I’m different, Miranda. We’re different.”
    The woman she was years ago craved to believe him. The woman she was today laughed in scorn. Gavin wanted a second review—that was the main item on his agenda, and she’d be a fool to forget it. After all, this was his family. He hadn’t chosen her over his career

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