Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town

Free Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town by Vic Broquard

Book: Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town by Vic Broquard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vic Broquard
Tags: Fantasy
people living out here.”
                 “Flunk, Zoran. You have given me an answer that I would expect to hear from one
who has been brought up in the so called civilized lands of Adapazan,” she stated flatly
and without emotion. Her comment raised the eyebrows of both Jarka and Zdenka, but
for different reasons. Zdenka thought that this only confirmed her deep suspicions that
Zoran was indeed a nobleman, probably from the civilized lands. Jarka, on the other
hand, snickered; he was not such of a hot shot after all, and he certainly was not from
around these parts.
                 “Would anyone else like to answer my question?” she asked softly, her keen eyes
pausing for a moment on the others.
                 Zdenka decided to try. “Originally, Adapazan was populated by the Yellers, who
built what one might call population centers. Highly intelligent, these were the first true
civilizers of the planet. Then we, the humans, came here and began killing them, driving
them off of the most fertile lands, forcing them out of the zones that we controlled. As
the barons continued to enlarge the areas they controlled, the Yellers were forced further
out into the less desirable portions of Adapazan. The Yellers now hate humans with a
passion and fight us whenever they get the chance. They get their name from all the wild
yelling they do when they attack us. Also driven from their old haunts are other nasty
creatures, the banshees, the megalowolves, the slithers, and the paleowasps. All of these
combine to make living in the non-civilized areas of Adapazan quite dangerous — hence
the name Wild Lands.”
                 “Very good, Zdenka. Precisely so. The Yellers are more than justified in attacking
humans. After all, we are slowly committing genocide of their kind. Now then, has
anyone ever seen a Yeller? Can anyone describe what they look like, what they are afraid
of, or how we mages may defeat them if we are attacked?” she asked.
                 Again, Zdenka replied first, “I had to kill one once. It came after me and my dad
when we were out in the Dark Woods hunting for deer for our winter’s meat supply. It
was at least eight feet tall, really hairy, like a giant ape. I hit it with five arrows to its
head before it dropped.”
                 Bernard added, “According to our studies, Yellers are mean and vicious towards
humans. They are afraid of fires; they scare easily, and are quite easily fooled by
illusions. So fire based spells, fear causing spells, and illusions of same are our best
defense against them. They are stronger than two of our fighters and can easily rip a
man’s arm off. They have a very nasty bite as well. We should avoid all close combats
with them, keeping our distance. Oh yes, they are known to use clubs as well.”
                 “Very good. Both of you. Now then, who can tell me about banshees?” she asked.
                 Zoran wanted to redeem himself, he answered this one. “Evil spirit like creatures,
feminine in nature, it is said. Solitary creatures, they only come out at night, seeking
male prey. Their screeching cry can paralyze their victims, which they then eat their
flesh raw. I once saw the remains of a man who fell victim to a banshee, a really bloody,
almost unrecognizable body. They are afraid of bright lights and can be more easily
killed by electrical attacks and even water. It is said that they dare not cross water. The
book suggests that is because they are terrified that they might see their reflections in
the water.”
                 “Very good, Zoran. That is correct. Now how about the megalowolves?” she
asked, continuing down the list of creatures.
                 Bernard answered this one. “I’ve run into these rather often when I am out with
my dogs. They are an oversized wolf, really, with giant fangs that can rip flesh from
bones. They often

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