An Angel for Ms. Right

Free An Angel for Ms. Right by Lenise Lee

Book: An Angel for Ms. Right by Lenise Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lenise Lee
    An Angel for Ms. Right
    Copyright 2010 by Lenise Lee. All rights reserved.
    All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts to be used solely in a review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part electronically, mechanically or by any means is strictly forbidden without the expressed written permission of the author.
    The unauthorized reproduction of this copyrighted work is illegal.
    Federal copyright law prohibits unauthorized reproduction by any means and imposes fines up to $250,000 or up to 5 years in prison for violation.
    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents have no existence outside of the author’s imagination and are purely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events, locales, or people, living or deceased, is coincidental.
    WARNING: The material included in this work is intended for adult readers 18 years of age and older. Please store this material in a safe place where underage readers will not have access to view it.
    Denise Right is struggling to maintain a crumbling home life with her estranged parents and has no time for love and relationships.
    Adam Aggeliki has been holding a painful family secret but when he meets Denise he knows she is the one to mend his heart and he will do whatever it takes win her heart and trust.
    Can the pair find the happiness they both seek in one another's arms even as the world around them is shattered?
    An Angel for Ms. Right
    Lenise Lee
    This story is dedicated to the One who can make all things possible, thank you. A dedication is also given to you, dear reader, thank you for your support.

Chapter 1
    “Excuse me?”
    The warm baritone voice interrupted Denise Right’s deep thought and stopped her in her tracks as she exited the lecture hall. Without thinking, she turned quickly on her heels and collided with a massive wall that turned out to be a broad muscular chest.
    “I-I am so sorry,” Denise stuttered as she looked up in to the most dazzling sea-green eyes she had ever seen.
    Her breath caught in her chest and she stumbled back and would have went crashing to the floor, if two large hands had not reached her in time enough to steady her on her feet.
    “Whoa. Steady as she goes. Are you okay?” the green eyes peered uncertainly into Denise’s light brown ones.
    She remembered where she was and managed to pull her eyes away from his gaze and looked around quickly to confirm whether or not anyone else had witnessed her buffoonery. Thankfully, most of the other students in the Introduction to Legal Process class had already exited and her professor was busy gathering his papers from the dais and had not noticed the scene.
    “I didn’t mean to startle you,” pretty eyes said as he tried to capture her attention once more.
    Denise reluctantly turned her head back in his direction.
    “No, it’s fine. It was my fault. I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing.”
    He smiled then and, if it were possible, his eyes seemed to turn from sea-green to a stunning emerald while two breathtaking dimples pierced the cheeks of his olive-colored skin. Denise felt a blush coming on and decided to hurry the conversation on before she embarrassed herself even further.
    “Um, did you need something?” she questioned, making sure not to stare too hard at his adorable dimples.
    With one quick stroke, he ran his tanned hand through his dark hair. Denise noted that it was short around the side and slightly spiky on top. It was

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