Unlikely Places

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Book: Unlikely Places by Charlotte Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Mills
fees are still valid from her previous enrolment on the course. He was dubious
of my actions but I reassured him I knew what I was doing – I secretly hoped I
did, I don’t want to lie to her but if I offered to pay I knew she would refuse
my offer of help.
    I arrived at the hostel early, impatient to pass on the news
to Mike about Sam’s fees, he was grateful for my help and although I expected
some suspicion from my news I couldn’t see it in his face. Mike decided to
schedule a 1-1 catch-up meeting with her in the morning to let her know she
should expect a letter confirming her place on the course. Relieved I continue
with the night working in the kitchens and shadowing Mike with 1-1 catch ups
with residents.
    At seven thirty Mike gave me the nod that I am free to use
the gym, retrieving my bag from the car I made my way down to the basement. The
gym lights were on but the place was deserted, taking advantage of the
seclusion I swiftly change my clothes. Sam arrived as I was lacing up my
trainers, eyeing my discarded clothes on the floor.
    “Damn....did I miss it?” She asked making her way to the
    “I’m afraid so....my dignity is intact for a while longer”.
    “Unfortunately”. I heard her say as she sat on the exercise
bike, tying up as much hair as possible, I turned on the running machine next
to her setting the gradient and timer. Beginning with a brisk walking pace then
slowly increasing the pace to a suitable jogging speed. To dispel my temptation
of informing her of my inside information, I attempted some general chit chat.
    “How did you know I was down here?”
    “Ahh now I can’t reveal my sources”. She replied grinning.
    Her smile was infectious. “I see......so what’ve you been up
to today?”
    “Not much....helping Jo with a job
application......recovering......I’ve just seen Mike on my way down he wants to
see me tomorrow morning”.
    Realising Mike must have told her I was here. “Ooh....what
have you done?” I asked eyebrows raised.
    She frowned before looking over to me. “It could be about
using the gym the other day when I was drunk”.
    I giggled as much as I could while jogging. “When was
    “Wednesday.....we were talking about how much weight we
could lift so we had a bit of a competition”.  
    “Really.....so who won?”
    “Let me tell you Jo is freakishly strong but Josh beat us
all easily”. She beamed at what I assumed was the memory.
    “He is about twice the size of both of you”. I said puffing.
    “Not with beer goggles on.....I think it was more the noise
we made....he wasn’t too pleased when he came down to tell us to keep it down”.
    “He’s not said anything so he can’t be that mad.......is Jo
applying for a job?”
    “Yeah.....just shop work at Boots.....she’s so bored with
nothing to do...she really wants to get back on her feet, especially now she
has Josh”.
    “That’s good”. Friendship and love were obviously a good
motivator it was definitely time to rethink my hermit lifestyle.
    “Yeah it is”. I could feel her staring at me, as I turned to
meet her eyes she turned away fiddling with the bikes controls. We were silent
for a while concentrating on our exercise.
    “So...have you watched the DVD’s yet?” I asked breaking the
    “No....I’ve just asked Mike if I can borrow a lap top over
the weekend, he said I could pick it up later....will I need earphones?”
    “Earphones?” I repeated with a furrowed brow.
    “Are they you know....noisy?” She said grinning.
    “Oh ummm”. I said trying to recall “I think ‘Kiss Me’ might be
the noisiest one you might need earphones for that one”.
    Her eyebrows raised. “Really?”
    I sniggered relieved my exercise would hide my blush. “But
as the other one is English you might want to wear earphones for both I guess”.
    She smiled. “Good plan”.
    Another twenty minutes passed of pounding footsteps
accompanied by occasional looks

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