The Ninja Quest

Free The Ninja Quest by Tracey West

Book: The Ninja Quest by Tracey West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey West
Some time ago, before the Dojo was built . . .
    The snow crunches underneath your flippers as you wander through the wilds of Club Penguin. You’re on an adventure, and you’re prepared for anything: Your warm coat and boots will protect you from the elements; your helmet will keep you from harm; and you’ve got a rope, food, and water in your backpack.
    The only thing you’re missing is a map showing exactly where you need to go. That’s because you don’t really know where you’re going. The reason you’ve embarked on this quest is because of a mysterious rumor you’ve heard.
    It started with whispers about ninjas, black-clad penguins expert in the art of mastering the elements. You’ve never seen one, but other penguins swear they’ve seen signs that the ninjas exist. The latest rumor is that a mysterious gray penguin with a white beard and a wide straw hat has been spotted in the wilderness. They say he looks like a wise ninja master.
    Most penguins are content to just talk about the ninjas, but you have the heart of an adventurer. That’s why, days ago, you set out to find this ninja master. But all you’ve found so far is snow, snow, and more snow. The only thing you’ve noticed that’s unusual is the sky over Club Penguin, which is streaked with orange. But that has nothing to do with the ninjas—or does it?
    â€œI wonder if I should turn back,” you say out loud. The thought makes you sad. You don’t want your adventure to be over so soon.
    You sit down on a rock, trying to decide what to do. That’s when you notice a plume of smoke rising from a circle of pine trees in the distance.
    â€œThat’s curious,” you remark. “Maybe my adventure isn’t over yet.”
    You hoist your backpack on your shoulders and trek toward the smoke. As you quietly step into the circle of trees, you are amazed to see a gray penguin sitting at the edge of a small, reflective pond. A small fire burns next to him, and a teapot is hanging over the fire, supported by a stand made from tree branches.
    Your heart starts to beat faster. The penguin has a long, white beard, bushy, white eyebrows, and wears a straw hat on his head. Is this the mysterious ninja master you have been searching for?
    â€œCome closer, my friend.”
    The penguin’s voice startles you. His back is turned to you, and you wonder how he knows you are there.
    â€œHello,” you say, waddling up to the pond. You tell the penguin your name.
    â€œIt is a pleasure to meet you,” he replies, turning to you. “You may call me Sensei.”
    â€œThat means teacher , doesn’t it?” you ask. You did some reading up on ninjas before your journey.
    Sensei nods. “It does indeed,” he replies. “You appear to be clever, young penguin. And bold. No other penguin has ever ventured so far into the wilderness.”
    â€œI heard a rumor that there was a ninja master somewhere on the island,” you tell him. “I would love to train to be a ninja. So I set out on a quest . . . and I found you.”
    Sensei is silent for a moment. Finally, he speaks:
    â€œI have been searching for a penguin to help me with a very important task,” he says. “Will you assist me?”
    Your heart starts to beat quickly. This is exactly the adventure you were hoping for!
    â€œOf course I’ll help you!” you reply. “What do you need me to do?”
    Sensei takes the teapot off the fire and pours two cups of tea. Then he pats the ground next to him, motioning for you to sit. When you do, he hands you a cup of tea. It’s warm and smells delicious.
    â€œI know there are many penguins on the island who want to become ninjas,” Sensei begins. “To train so many ninjas will be a difficult task—but not impossible. To do that, I must build a Dojo so penguins can learn the ways of the ninja.”
    â€œThat’s like a training

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