The Not-so-Jolly Roger

Free The Not-so-Jolly Roger by Jon Scieszka

Book: The Not-so-Jolly Roger by Jon Scieszka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jon Scieszka
Special thanks to the Brooklyn Public Library
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    First published in the United States of America by Viking Penguin,
a division of Penguin Books USA Inc., 1991
Published by Puffin Books, 1993
This edition published by Puffin Books, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group, 2006

Text copyright © Jon Scieszka, 1991
    Illustrations copyright © Lane Smith, 1991
    All rights reserved
Scieszka, Jon.
The Not-so-jolly Roger / by Jon Scieszka; illustrated by Lane Smith.
p. cm.—(The Time warp trio)
Summary: Once again, three friends are sent back in time by a magic book
and they find themselves prisoners of the evil pirate Blackbeard.
    eISBN : 978-1-101-07767-2
    [1. Time travel—Fiction. 2. Blackbeard, d. 1718—Fiction. 3. Pirates—Fiction.
4. Humorous stories.] I. Smith, Lane, ill. II. Title. III. Series.
IV Series: Scieszka, Jon. Time warp trio.
PZ7.S41267No 1993 [Fic]—dc20 92-44485 CIP AC

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For Jake

    I thought you said you read The Book,” said Sam.
    I looked over at Sam and Fred swaying in the tops of the two coconut trees next to mine. We were thirty feet above the ground. I grabbed my tree tighter. “I did,” I said weakly. I closed my eyes so I couldn’t see just how far up we were.
    “Well, what happened this time, Mr. Magic?” asked Fred. “We didn’t even open The Book! We were just goofing around in your room. Now we’re making like monkeys in the tops of some trees on a deserted island.”
    “Maybe it was something you said,” said Sam.
    Waves crashed on the beach. I smelled the salt air. I opened one eye to look at Sam and Fred. Sam’s glasses hung from one ear. Fred’s Mets cap was twisted backward. They did kind of look like monkeys hugging coconuts. If I hadn’t been so scared, I would have laughed.

    “I said I read The Book. I didn’t say I understood it.” “Oh, great,” said Sam, trying to hang on to his coconut and fix his glasses at the same time. “So you’re telling us you don’t know where we are?” I looked out at the long stretch of blue ocean. The hot sun hung high in the blue sky. I tried to guess what time it might be. “Where we are? I don’t even know when we are.”
    “Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” screamed Sam.
    A red and blue parrot flew by and screeched back.
    “We’re lost,” moaned Sam. “Shipwrecked. Castaways. Robinson Crusoes in time and space. We have no idea where or when we are. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!”
    “Get a grip,” said Fred. “I wished for buried treasure. The Book sent us here.” Fred started to climb down his tree. “It doesn’t take Einstein to figure it out. Somewhere around here there’s buried treasure.”
    “We are going to die,” said Sam.

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