Protect Me: Oakville Series:Book Three

Free Protect Me: Oakville Series:Book Three by Kathy-Jo Reinhart

Book: Protect Me: Oakville Series:Book Three by Kathy-Jo Reinhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy-Jo Reinhart
Tags: Romance
pointing out the available hot men. A normal twenty-three year old would be thrilled by the idea of two hot guys living in the same building, but men, romance, and dating are the last things on my mind. After what I’ve been through, I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for any kind of relationship again.
    A month ago, I was hired as a waitress at KC’s Bar & Grille. Kyle, the owner, really seems like he’ll be a descent boss. He just bought the place and is remodeling. There’s about a month left before the place is ready to open. It’s actually turned out to be a good thing. I was able to use the time to find the apartment and get myself adjusted to being in this new town.
    One night, a couple weeks ago, I found the plastic bag from the hospital that held my belongings from the night I was brought in. Tanya must have stuffed it in the duffel bag when she was helping me get ready to leave. As I pulled the clothes out and noticed the enormous bloodstains, I almost got sick. The memories of that night hit me full force. The blood stains a reminder of how brutal his beating was. He had two objectives that night: cause me as much pain as possible and kill our baby. Sadly, I allowed him to succeed in doing both. No longer will I be that weak woman who doesn’t stand up and protect herself or the ones she loves. I may have learned that lesson the hard way, but at least I learned it.
    I was surprised to also find my wedding ring in there. I didn’t want anything that belonged to Ray. Not anything he bought, owned, or gave me. Which is why I left with nothing but the signed divorce papers. I couldn’t very well send it back to him and I sure as hell didn’t want it for sentimental reasons, so I drove to the nearest pawn shop and sold it. At least now I’ll have a nice little savings to fall back on if I need it. I also splurged a little and bought some new clothes and things I needed for the apartment.
    Pulling into the parking lot of the apartment building, I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. My first apartment. Wow. I still can’t believe it. I quickly park as close to the building as I can and prop open the front door of the building so I can easily get in while carrying boxes and bags. As I open my trunk, I’m overwhelmed by fluttering sensations in my stomach. I can’t wait to get the car unloaded so I can set up my new place. I want to know what it feels like to be able to hang a picture where I want it, or place the glasses in the cabinet next to the sink because that’s where I like them. Never have I been in control over anything in my life. Ray told me what to wear, cook, how to clean, and pretty much anything else he could give me instructions on. It’s a miserable way to live, always wondering whether you’re doing everything correctly, never having the freedom to do anything the way you enjoy. From now on, everything is going to be done the way I want.
    Loading my arms so full that I can’t see in front of me, I make my way to the door. Thankfully, I have the downstairs apartment. If I were upstairs, I could just see it tripping with all this shit in my arms, falling down the stairs, and breaking my damn neck. Yeah, that’s how my luck usually works. Maybe this is a new start in more ways than one. Suddenly, I collide with a wall. I’m thrown backwards, everything in my arms flying into the air as I fall flat on my back, hitting my head on the hard concrete sidewalk. Then again, maybe my luck hasn’t changed at all.
    I lay there for a minute with my eyes closed, trying to will away the throbbing radiating through my skull. Slowly, I open my eyes, praying there’s nobody else around. How embarrassing would that be? The vision that appears before me makes me think I’m either dreaming or I hit that wall really fucking hard and I’m dead. The face moving toward mine is that of an angel. A gorgeous angel whose beautiful green eyes seem to be looking right into my

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