Milo Moon: It Never Happened

Free Milo Moon: It Never Happened by Derek Haines

Book: Milo Moon: It Never Happened by Derek Haines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Derek Haines
mistaken. I only started in this job two weeks ago.’
    ‘Oh, I’m sorry. I must have been given the wrong information. Perhaps Mr. George Smithe would be familiar with my file. He also attended to my case.’
    ‘There’s no one in this office by that name sir. Look, can I ask you what you are calling about?’
    ‘Well, I am not sure if I need to have another check-up. I had one about a month and a half back, and was unsure if I needed another.’
    ‘Let me see. Your name is again?’
    ‘Fischer. F I S C H E R.’
    ‘No, I have no file here for Fischer. Just checking again sir,’ and she paused for a few seconds. ‘Perhaps you are being handled by another agent. I’ll just run a scan here. Won’t be a moment sir,’ as she paused again. ‘Sorry to keep you waiting. Would you like me to……,’ but Michael interrupted her before she could finish.
    ‘No, that’s all right. Thank you for your help.’
    Michael hung up the phone, and he and Milo both had the same thought.
    ‘What the hell do we do now?’
    ‘Better put our heads together as George said, I think.’
    ‘What about a good night’s sleep and hope things are a bit clearer in the morning?’
    ‘All right Michael. It’s getting late, so let’s go home and you entertain Claire, while I do some serious thinking.’
    ‘Right, Milo. Good thinking!’
    Michael left work, and made his way home. Looking forward to a relaxing evening. As he turned down Brown Street, Milo stopped him in his tracks.
    ‘Cindy! Cindy!’ Milo whispered, as his cat came towards him. Once he arrived, he rubbed himself affectionately against Michael’s leg.
    ‘He knows you’re in here I think, Milo.’
    ‘Of course he does. He’s a smart cat!’
    ‘What’s that on his collar?’
    Michael bent down and found a small capsule stuck to Cindy’s collar. He pulled it off and opened it. Michael and Milo read, while Cindy rubbed.
    ‘ Under Milo’s old table, ’ was all that was written.
    ‘Do you have any idea what this means, Milo?’
    ‘Yes. What day is it?’
    ‘It’s Wednesday. Why do you ask?’
    ‘He’ll be on late shift. Maybe we’ll find a pizza!’
    ‘What are you thinking, Milo. You’ve lost me.’
    ‘There’s no lock on the door.’
    ‘What door?’
    ‘My old door.’
    ‘You have lost me completely.’
    ‘Come on, Michael, up those stairs. Second floor. Let’s go!’
    Michael pushed the door open and called out. ‘Anyone home?’ and was greeted by silence. Cindy followed him up the stairs, and was clearly expecting to be fed, as he again started to rub Michael’s leg in a more determined fashion.
    ‘Look under the table, Michael.’
    ‘All right. Yes, there’s something here!’
    Michael pulled away the adhesive tape and removed a file that had been stuck under the table. On the front was written, ‘ From ‘E’. ’
    ‘Right, I think we should get out of here, Milo.’
    ‘What are you doing now?’
    ‘Feeding my cat.’
    ‘Yes now. He’s hungry.’
    ‘For crying out loud, Milo!’
    ‘Oh settle down Michael. The chimeryon won’t be back from work for another hour or more.’
    ‘Oh it just has to be Wednesday!’
    ‘My feelings exactly.’
    ‘Are you finished with the cat, Milo?’
    ‘Let me know when you’re finished.’
    ‘Okay. Finished!’
    ‘Good. Now can we think about this file?’
    ‘Oh yes. Forgot about that.’
    Michael opened the file, and a short note from George was on top of a number of sheets of paper.
    ‘HH created some problems, so I may have been terminated by the time you read this, so you will need to act fast. This is what I know. Do what you can with it. ‘E’.’
    ‘I presume HH is Hilda.’
    ‘Probably, Milo. That makes sense. Let’s see what else is in here.’
    ‘Poor George.’
    ‘Yes,’ Michael agreed, as he turned the sheets of paper. ‘Look at this, Milo.’
    They both looked at the sheet. A copy of a very old document

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