Vegas Vacation (Destination Desire)

Free Vegas Vacation (Destination Desire) by Crystal Jordan

Book: Vegas Vacation (Destination Desire) by Crystal Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Jordan
with Finn, but they really weren’t friends. They’d agreed on that point earlier. She might justify it by sympathizing with the dad-has-a-new-girlfriend weirdness, but if she wasn’t his friend, what was her role? It would have been appropriate for Anne to go, but Meg? Not really. So what the hell was she doing? It crossed lines and made this more personal than it really should. Meeting the parent went way beyond just sex. But she hesitated to take the offer back. When had she ever seen Finn look so insecure, so uncertain? So agonized? He was usually the king of confidence, and she found she didn’t have the heart to let him down.
    That should tell her something right there, but she didn’t want to acknowledge it. So she pushed it aside. Not the smartest or most mature choice she’d ever made, but responsibility hadn’t exactly been high on her to-do list since she’d arrived in Vegas, had it?
    Finn had pretty much been the only thing on her to-do list, and she had done him. Repeatedly and in some very creative positions. And she wanted to do it again. The thought made a delicious shiver course through her.
    “We should get ready to go. The exhibit awaits.” This time, his smile reached his eyes, his expression warm enough to make her heart trip.
    Bad, bad idea. Agreeing to this dinner was going to make him think he was gaining ground in their romantic battle of wills. Not true, she assured herself. Helping him out with his dad didn’t mean she was giving in about dating him. But she didn’t want to point that out. He’d see for himself.
    She wanted to think about something else. Anything else. Time for some distraction, and she knew just how to get it. Letting a slow smile curve her lips, she held a hand toward him. “It can wait a little while, can’t it?”

Chapter Six
    Mellowness filled Finn as he wandered around the Olympic history exhibit. His muscles were loose and a satisfied smile curled his mouth. Amazing sex would do that to a man. That and the sure knowledge that he was starting to make some headway with Meg. She was going to the Disaster Dad Dinner with him because she cared. She might not realize it, or maybe she just didn’t want to admit it, but he had no doubts.
    It gave him some hope.
    Hope could be a wonderful and dangerous thing, all at the same time. He knew he couldn’t assume too much from her agreeing to come with him, but there were a few chinks beginning to show in that armor of hers. He just had to keep chipping away at her resolve. Still, it felt damn good to know she cared. About him. He’d waited a year for some confirmation of that. She wanted him, and she cared.
    Today was off to an amazing start, despite the call from his father.
    Refocusing his attention on the display in front of him, he read a placard that discussed the life of four-time Olympic gold medalist, Jesse Owens. The track-and-field champion had run in footraces against Thoroughbred horses…and won. Finn hadn’t known that. He glanced around, wanting to show Meg. She was focused on another display, her hands clasped behind her back.
    “Meg, come see this,” he called softly, not wanting to disturb the other people in the large room.
    She held up a finger, letting him know she’d be there in a minute. Her brown curls swept forward to cover her face when she bent down to get a closer look at the glass case in front of her. The pose just drew his gaze to her heart-shaped ass. The soft sundress she wore flowed over her curves to flutter around her knees. He’d had to stop himself from sliding his hand up her skirt when they were on the cab ride over here. It would have turned her on, but she’d have probably slapped his hand anyway.
    After a moment, she straightened and looked around for him. He waved her over, and she smiled as she approached. The expression was softer and more intimate than he was used to, and he liked it. Since he knew for a fact that none of the other HMB teachers were here to witness

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