Killer Scents

Free Killer Scents by Adelle Laudan

Book: Killer Scents by Adelle Laudan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adelle Laudan
    Finish what you started .

    “What was she doing in the bar by herself? She could have called me. Last time I checked I was her partner.” Randy paced. “The guy actually walked into the same room with her? Doesn’t she realize just how sick this s.o.b. is?”
    Chief Thomson raised his hand. “Calm down. I won’t have you talking to her like that this morning. Yes, she shouldn’t have gone there alone, but in her defence, she had no reason to fear he’d be following her.”
    “So what kind of game is The Florist playing now? Why Becca? Does it have something to do with Susan ?”
    “I don’t have any answers for you. I do know we can’t lose our focus. The results came back from the coroners. He stuffed money in her mouth, and if my hunch is right, her own money. Her wallet was open in her purse and it was empty.”
    “Good morning.” Becca breezed into the room, leaving her fresh, feminine scent behind.
    Randy caught her attention, but the second his mouth opened, her hand shot up between them.
    “Save it. I was wrong...yadda, yadda. Let’s just drop it, okay?”
    He searched her eyes only to have her quickly turn her attention to the chief. She’s got a bug up her ass about something. What the hell did I do to piss her off so bad ly ?
    “Did the results come back for the note?”
    Chief frowned . “They didn’t find anything, no prints, no DNA... nothing.”
    “This Florist is sure one smart guy, I’ll give him that , ” Randy said.
    “Yes, but he’s bound to slip up sooner or later , ” Becca countered, narrowing her gaze on him before sitting .
    “So, I did get a warrant. I want a closer look around that acreage, e specially after you two heard that bike out there.”
    “I hate to do this to Professor Davies. The poor man is such a sweetheart.” Becca sighed.
    “Try talk ing to him first and make him understand someone on his farm might be suspect. Maybe y ou won’t need the warrant if he gives permission.”
    “Okay, I didn’t bring my bike today. How do you want to do this?” Becca gathered her bag and file.
    Chief Thomson opened his drawer and tossed a set of keys her way.  “Take the SUV.” He turned to Randy. “You ride your bike. It might come in handy.”
    “I don’t want to leave Becca alone.”
    The look of surprise on her face confused him. Doesn’t she know how much I care about her?
    “Danny will drive Becca.”
    She nodded and walked past Randy without a glance. “I’ll see you out there.”
    “What did you do to piss her off?” Chief Thomson looked at him sternly . “You might want to clear the air. The sooner, the better.”

    “Wow, we got our work cut out for us searching this place.” Danny whistled as he turn ed down the driveway.
    The sprinkler system sprayed in sheets over the fields, casting rainbows all across the vast expanse of color.
    “I think we need to focus on the workers first. I hop e Professor Davies understands so we don’t have to use this warrant.”
    Danny nod ded. “Looks like you’re going to find out. I take it that’s him?” He stopped a few feet before the porch.
    Professor Davies stood at the top of the staircase leading to an impressive wraparound porch. He leaned against a column , giving them a short wave with his free hand.
    “Good morning, sir.” Becca rounded the front of the vehicle, extending her hand. She saw the lines of confusion between his striking blue eyes.
    “Well, good morning, Becca.” He took her hand in his and kissed the top before looking over at Danny , who stood with his back to them .
    “I’ll introduce my chaperone when he’s done on the phone .” Becca chuckled lightly.
    The p rofessor shrugged indifference. “What brings you here so early? I’m sure it’s not just to say hello.”
    She smiled warmly. “Please, may we be seated?”
    Pain registered on his weathered face as he slowly sat.
    “You already know about the killer we’re looking for and how he uses a flower for his

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