His Dark Promise (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free His Dark Promise (Siren Publishing Classic) by K. R. Haynes

Book: His Dark Promise (Siren Publishing Classic) by K. R. Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. R. Haynes
Tags: Romance
in her satiated state when Travis walked her over to her car. He had woken up ravenous for her again, had taken her while she was half asleep, and brought them both to orgasmic completion just as efficiently as he had previously. She had cried out as her climax had swallowed her up whole while he roared out his own pleasure.
    Kissing him on the cheek now and saying good-bye to him, Holly knew this was a turning point in their relationship, if she could call their brief encounter a relationship. She stared at his jean-covered ass as he strolled over to his own car. Climbing into her own vehicle, she pulled out of the hotel driveway and headed back over to her apartment to spend the rest of the day packing up her stuff. She was subletting her apartment while she was overseas for twelve months. The tenant was due to move their gear in in just over a week’s time. So she really needed to get her butt into gear and finish packing up her stuff and put into the storage space she had hired for the year she was away for.
    It was going to be a long, tiresome day of packing and having very little sleep meant she wasn’t in the mood to deal with the whole packing up the apartment thing. Unlocking her front door and stepping inside, she turned and closed it before flipping the lock back into place. Holly couldn’t help the somber mood she found herself in as she walked down the hallway to her bedroom. Her mind was constantly thinking about her time with Travis. He was like a drug to her, one she couldn’t get enough of. Her body was craving another shot of him, even though it had been less than hour since he last taken her.
    Holly refused to acknowledge that there may not be another next time with him, because if that were true, then all she had accomplished by surrendering to her lustful desires was being just another meaningless name he would write down in that little black book of his. She would mean nothing more to him than just another conquest and that was the last thing she wanted to be.
    Collapsing on top of her mattress in a heap after entering her bedroom, she was dead on her feet, thanks mainly to Travis’s constant possession of her body. Not that she was complaining at all, well, maybe a little. But now all she wanted was sleep.
    She groaned when her doorbell buzzed just as her eyes closed. The last thing she wanted was company, but whoever was disturbing her late on a Sunday morning wasn’t going away. When the doorbell buzzed again, Holly eased herself up from her bed and made her way to the front door, cursing the person behind it. She opened the door and scowled at the person standing there. “Travis? What the hell are you doing here?”
    “Well, when I got in my car I realized I hadn’t fed you. So I thought I better, since I worked you pretty hard this morning and last night.” The smug smirk on his face made her resistance to not let him in weak. Before she knew what she was doing, Holly was inviting Travis inside her apartment. She waved her hand at the moving boxes stacked around the place and apologized for the mess they created. “No need to apologize, you’re packing up to leave, right?” She just nodded her head to answer him, too damn tired to do much else. He placed the brown paper bag of food and the cardboard tray holding two cups of coffee down on the kitchen table. He then shocked her by moving toward her and wrapping his arms tight around her waist. He even had the nerve to drop a kiss to the top of her head. Holly could feel the affection he held for her in that one kiss. She felt like weeping from the tenderness she sensed coming from him and she never cried. So she wrote off her emotional response to him as due to her lack of sleep.
    Pushing back from him, Holly ran her hands through the lengths of her hair while staring up at him. “I’m really tired, Travis. In fact, I was lying down when you showed up here.” Unannounced, she wanted to added on but didn’t.
    “Yeah, it was a pretty

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