September Storm

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Book: September Storm by Brenda Jernigan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jernigan
wondered if Dani really loved the absent Steven.  Or was she just used to the idea of Steven?
    After Adrian adjusted his clothes, he picked up the lantern and went to check on the door one more time.  He placed several extra strips of silver duct tape over the cutting board, hoping it would hold until morning.  After this weekend, he'd definitely take a few more precautions so they would be protected next time.
    He paused, wondering where the they had come from.  He shook the thought from his brain, bent down and blew out the candles. Carefully, so as not to stub his toe in the dark, Adrian made his way to the bedroom where he placed the lamp on the hearth.
    Glancing around the room to see if anything else needed to be done, he felt helpless.  Mother Nature was calling all the shots.  He just hoped she'd be kind.
    Dani entered the room, and Adrian cast a quick glance at her, his gaze following the sway of her hips.  He could feel himself responding again.
    "It's going to be a long night, Dani.  I think we should try and get some rest.  We'll need our strength tomorrow.  I thought it would be a little safer in here."  He sat on the bed and patted the side where she should lay.
    Dani wanted to laugh.  Safer!  Maybe for him, but she wasn't sure anywhere near Adrian would be safe.  He must have seen her hesitation, because he said, "I only have sleeping on my mind."
    She watched him a moment longer, then reluctantly climbed onto the bed, making sure she kept a safe distance from him.  The room was dark except for the small light at the hearth and the flashes of lightening that seemed to be everywhere.
    The wind howled.  The house squeaked.  All around her she heard water crashing, and she pictured their house in the middle of the ocean. Then she remembered the waves slamming against the window.  The minutes ticked by.
    A zapping noise much like a gun went off across the street.  “What was that?”  Coward , she thought.
    As if he sensed her need, Adrian reached out and pulled her next to him.  "Don't worry, Dani.  I won't let anything happen to you.  Maybe if we talk, it'll help you relax."
    "Maybe," she muttered, her tone a little unsure.
    "Do you have a family?"
    "No.  I was hatched," Dani grumbled, then immediately regretted her thoughtlessness before she spoke.  "I'm sorry.  You're trying to be nice, and I'm being sarcastic.  Let me start again . . . my mother and father live in Dallas.  I have a sister who's a doctor and a brother who's a lawyer.  And, you might say, I'm the family failure."
    "Why do you say that?"
    "Because it's true," she admitted, feeling her usual worthlessness.  "I've never really accomplished anything important.  I was never the smartest in class.  I don't have a big title behind my name, a large house, or a large car." She sighed.  "I've not even accomplished the simple task of marrying Steven to make my parents happy."
    And they wouldn't understand this at all.
    "I believe you're being a little hard on yourself."  Adrian gave her arm a squeeze. "Surely your parents love you for who you are?"
    "I didn't say they didn't love me.  I don't know.”  She shrugged.  “It's just that they're always so disappointed in me."
    Adrian chuckled.  "I'm not disappointed. And one thing is for sure, we'll never forget how we met."
    "Yeah, every time I hear hurricane warnings, I'll think of you."  Indeed, he reminded her of a hurricane, blustering into her life, sweeping all her logical, safe thoughts before him, then the deceptive calm, followed by what?
    "At least I'll be remembered."  He rested his cheek on the top of her head, and Dani's traitorous heart flipped over.
    The house shook.  Dani gasped and snuggled a little closer to Adrian.  She hated to admit it, but she did feel safe in his arms.  "Your turn. Tell me about your family."
    "I come from a big family.  I've four brothers and three sisters."
    That didn't really surprise her.  She could picture the big

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