Broken Bear: Unleashed Passion

Free Broken Bear: Unleashed Passion by Stella Bryce

Book: Broken Bear: Unleashed Passion by Stella Bryce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stella Bryce
couldn’t help myself. You’re so damn sexy.” She had goosed him, pinching his rear! Here he was thinking about feeling her, and she just reached out and did it.
    “If you’re going to be putting your hands all over me like that, you’re going to stir the beast below.”
    Her eyes got wide.
    “Wait! Wait! Wrong choice of words. I meant my, umm, my cock. Not my bear.” He laughed, realizing he’d said beast, and she took it to mean something else.
    “Ah, awfully confident, aren’t you? Summing it up as a beast,” she teased, and then left him standing there as she walked back into the living room.
    “Hey now!” He chased behind her. “I just happen to know what’s down there,” he said with a wicked grin.
    “Do you remember that day you tore your hospital gown off? Or were you out of it?” She cocked her head. “Do you know you were completely naked...not a stitch of clothing on...and I was right there?” She was feeling playful, and couldn’t resist teasing him. “All I’m saying is that while you have a beautiful body, and my goodness, you do, I saw ‘other things’ too.”  
    His eyes opened wide. “I was naked?” He laughed. “Doesn’t surprise me, but I don’t remember much about the early days.” Then it hit him, what she was saying. “Oh! Wait a minute, you didn’t see it all. I was drugged. I wasn’t hard. No fair. You can’t judge by that.”
    She shrugged. “Just saying I wasn’t impressed. On the other hand, if you wanted to show me what you’ve got, I’m willing to make a comparison. You know, sort of like a before and after comparison. I mean, you are a bear and all. I hope there’s more to it than what I saw…”
    “Oh, you’re bad.” He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Two could play at this game. He paddled her bottom with his hand, and then put her back on the sofa gently. The couple laughed and then exchanged glances.
    The room got quiet. Breathing grew heavy. Phoenix got hard. And Lily was desperate for another kiss.
    He sat beside her and turned. Lifting his hand to her face, he gently cupped it. She was beautiful. He could get lost in her eyes forever. His heart beat a little faster. He knew it was love. He’d never truly been in love before, not like this, not picturing forever. There was no question in his mind, she was his forever.
    With his other hand, he quietly traced her lips, his eyes following the movement of his hand. He couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to taste her, to kiss her, to make her his own. Leaning forward, he stopped with barely a breath between them. He needed her...needed this. Closing his eyes, he parted his lips and kissed Lily.
    Feeling her mouth open for him, accepting him in, their tongues met as their lips brushed against one another. Her mouth was sweet and warm, wet and welcoming. Phoenix wrapped her in his arms and held her close.
    Lily pulled back the slightest bit, but only so she could climb up onto his lap. She wanted to be one with him. She shifted up and over his meaty thighs and wrapped her knees on the side of his hips. Leaning into her bear once again, she kissed the man before her, never wanting to stop. She wanted him in ways her body hadn’t ever wanted anybody else. She hadn’t felt this kind of lust in longer than she could remember. She felt safe, loved, and wanted. She felt like she was reborn in that moment, and knew he was her forever.
    Phoenix ran his fingers up into her hair, raking them through, and then pulling her even closer. Her breasts pushed tight to his chest as their mouths teased and tasted with nibbles and licks, sucking, and then kissing. He slid his lips off of her mouth and along her jawline. He needed to taste her salty skin, lick her neck, and listen to her purr.
    Lily couldn’t stop her body from responding. She grew damp between her legs as he milked the tender spots of her neckline. Rolling her head to the side, she gave him better access. He brushed her hair back

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