Ice Crypt (Mermaids of Eriana Kwai Book 2)

Free Ice Crypt (Mermaids of Eriana Kwai Book 2) by Tiana Warner

Book: Ice Crypt (Mermaids of Eriana Kwai Book 2) by Tiana Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiana Warner
your trust in a sea demon.”
    I scoffed, hiding my embarrassment with anger. “So why am I the one getting all the suspicion? Why is a murder completely overlooked, but my …”
    I waved a hand, heat rising to my face.
    “This brings me to the issue at hand. After Mujihi called, your mother spoke to Annith’s, and we all agree on something. Yes, Dani was granted a pardon. Yes, her actions on the Massacre were ignored because she’s a former warrior and Mujihi’s daughter.”
    My mother looked away, failing to hide an ugly expression.
    “You and Annith are also Massacre warriors,” said my father. “It would be unfair to punish you for this incident while allowing Dani’s actions to go unanswered.”
    I stared at him, my brain working to process what he said.
    “Are … are you serious?”
    My father nodded once. “But if this has to do with your Host story—”
    “It doesn’t,” I said, deciding it would be best to lie.
    He crossed his arms, glancing to my mother. “Well, I was going to say, an old campsite seems an odd place to start looking. If I were searching for a legend, I would try the island’s sacred landmarks. The things that make Eriana Kwai what it is.”
    Sacred landmarks. Yes, that was exactly why we were headed to Skaaw Beach. His words sparked a tiny flame of hope in my chest.
    “Enough, now,” said my mother, scowling. “You won’t be excused if you cause any more trouble.”
    I took this as my dismissal. As I turned away, I wondered if Annith was having the same conversation with her parents. Was I lucky to be getting off this easily?
    “I’m sorry,” I said, keeping my back to them.
    “Take that stuff off your eyes,” said my mother. “You look like a drunk raccoon.”
    I washed the kohl, dirt, and sweat from my face, then pulled off my clothes and slid into bed.
    Away from their disappointment, I could think more clearly. I was sorry for being caught, and for causing them stress. But I wasn’t sorry for going there in the first place. More than the crossbow, I’d come away with a better understanding of our new training master.
    If I could help it, he would not hold the title for long.
    Rather than scare me away, Mujihi had given me another reason to keep going. Finding the Host meant ending the need for Massacres, and ending the need for his training program.
    I fell asleep with one thought in my mind: Adaro was going down, and our new training master was going down with him.

The King’s Plan

    The army assembled near the grotto entrance, moving with stiff discipline. The commander and Officer Strymon left to join them.
    Spio crashed around at the back of the cavern, throwing stuff into a rawhide bag. Most soldiers had some kind of bag with them. I had nothing but the Iron Hook of Doom.
    Coho moved to join the rest.
    I remained where I was.
    “Can I travel with Spio?”
    Not that I didn’t like Coho—I was grateful he’d come to my rescue—but I wanted to stick close to the only guy in the unit who I knew wouldn’t throw me to a shark.
    Coho hesitated, but seemed to find nothing wrong with that.
    “See you out there, soldier.”
    He disappeared into the crowd.
    Soldier. Once again, I found myself in Adaro’s army. I might die at the hands of a merman instead of a human in these battles, but my overall mission was no different. I was still fighting for a cause I didn’t believe in: the expansion of Adaro’s empire.
    I waited for Spio while everyone gathered at the grotto entrance. The cavern gurgled, muffling the hum of the crowd. I rubbed my burning eyes. My body wilted from exhaustion, and my growling stomach sent shooting pains into my ribcage.
    Spio appeared beside me, his bag jammed full, the contents of which I could only guess. He offered me a dead cod. It was a testament to how hungry I was that I accepted it. Spio’s food generally tasted like it was found on a beach, mangled by pollution and regurgitated by a

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