Kingdom Come

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Book: Kingdom Come by Devi Mara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devi Mara
look at the president and, though she did not speak, he saw a flash of fire in her eyes.
    “Yes. My parents adopted me when I was four weeks old.” She seemed to be daring the man to insult them.
    He possessed enough wisdom to simply nod.
    The lunch ended soon after, Abigail giving him a polite smile before she followed the president into the White House. He felt her absence immediately, but he was careful to keep his face free of emotion. He led his guards to a cluster of trees on the South Lawn. The White House guards watched them closely, but none of them interfered when the portal opened and they stepped through.
    The world was a starburst of lights and sounds for three breathless seconds. Then, like being reborn, the gateway opened in Anshargal’s city center. Air rushed in to fill his empty lungs and the dizzying array of stars formed into one large one overhead. Damkianna, the star of Ghadrik bathed the land in light stronger than the Earth’s Sun. As always, he felt the tug toward Earth and Abigail, but he set it aside.
    “Your Highness, the queen wishes to see you.”
    He looked over his shoulder to see Konani standing near one of his mother’s guards. The other woman bowed to him in respect, before muttering something under her breath to Konani. Konani nodded and the woman turned away. He raised an eyebrow at Konani and she smiled.
    “Gol is more active than usual.”
    He tensed at the mention of his father, but nodded. He gestured for Desta to approach him. After giving her mate a saucy wink, she strode over to stand in front of him.
    “Your Highness,” she said, all business.
    “Hunting implements for Abigail,” he said simply.
    Her lips curve d. “Already planning, Your Highness.”
    He nodded. “I will come to your workshop after I meet with the queen.”
    Konani was at his side before he turned away. She nodded in the direction of the palace and fell into step with him. The central courtyard of the city spanned over 20 square miles. An avenue bisected the space. The majority of the square was the business district of the city. The center pyramid held the center of trade, office of interdimensional travel, and central court system.
    The smaller pyramids along the edge of the avenue, while still twice the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza on Earth, held shops, restaurants, and the living space for those who chose to live away from the beach and valley. Under the bright light of Damkianna, the pyramids shown a brilliant, marble white.
    Edric had always found the city to be beautiful, far more attractive than the buildings of earth. He looked around fondly. The people of the Anshargal bowed to him in respect as they passed, clothed in robes of every color of the rainbow. The women often with accessories in contrasting colors to draw attention to their flashy weaponry. Edric paused next to Konani to wait for the enlil.
    It appeared as a small dot on the horizon, approaching quickly. The craft slowed and finally stopped just overhead. In one smooth maneuver, it sank to the ground and the silver side panel slide aside to reveal the plush interior. Konani entered the craft and settled on the soft bench. Edric started to follow her when a flash of metal caught his eye.
    He glanced to his left to see small group of women walking down the stone promenade just beside the enlil loading dock. The glint came from the hilt of a dagger worn on the hip of one of the women. He started toward them and the group paused to look at him.
    “Who is your armorer, ninti?” he asked politely.
    The woman pulled the dagger from its sheath, examining it. “Just there, Your Highness.” She gestured to the nearest pyramid on the left.
    “Thank you.” He started to turn away, when she called out to him. He turned to see her holding the dagger out to him.
    “You want it for your courting gift?”
    He nodded.
    She exchanged smiles with the other women. “Then, take it. I wish you luck in your future bonding.”
    “You are far

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