Blood & Thunder

Free Blood & Thunder by Charlie Cochet

Book: Blood & Thunder by Charlie Cochet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlie Cochet
Sloane continued, licking Dex, his paw thrown over Dex’s arm in case he had any thoughts of moving away. “Dude, seriously, that’s gross.”
    “Is there a problem, Agent Daley?”
    Dex held a hand up. “Yeah. How do I get my partner to stop licking me?”
    The instructor let out a long-suffering sigh, sounding like every teacher Dex had ever had. “He’s not licking you, he’s grooming you.”
    Tomato, tomahto . “Great. How do I get my partner to stop grooming me?”
    “Agent Daley, you have a Felid Therian sibling correct?”
    Dex nodded. “That is correct.”
    “So I assume you understand when a Felid grooms you, he or she feels comfortable around you. You are accepted as part of his or her social circle. It’s a gesture of assurance and one not easily attained.”
    “Yeah, I know that, and it’s awesome, really, but it’s also weird. He’s my partner. Plus it’s kind of difficult working a case out in the field when your partner decides to bathe you with his tongue. And believe me when I say this, it’s not as pleasant as it sounds.” If Sloane were in his Human form, Dex would have had a different opinion, but while his partner was in his Therian form, it was… like he said, weird.
    His instructor looked pleased by that, and Dex stifled a groan. “Ah, now if you are in the presence of someone unfamiliar, and your partner grooms you, it means he’s claiming you.”
    Dex gaped at him. He could feel his face getting hot. “He’s what now?”
    “It’s quite common, Agent Daley. Everyone please turn to observe Agent Daley and Agent Sloane.”
    This day was getting better and better. Where was a giant box when you needed one?
    “When you and your partner have bonded, you’ll know by your partner’s behavior when he or she is in his or her Therian form. Although Humanity is present neurologically, it’s also when a Therian is at his or her most feral. As you can see, Agent Brodie and Agent Daley have a bond, one of the many goals you must achieve in order to have a healthy, functioning partnership.
    “There’s trust there, enough for Agent Brodie to be at ease in his Therian form around Agent Daley. When Agent Brodie grooms his partner out in the field, he’s letting others know his partner is off limits, under his protection. There is unfortunately, a strong instinct of possession, and you may encounter instances in which you’ll need to reassure your partner there isn’t a threat to his or her claim on you. Of course this will only last while your partner is in their Therian form. Now it’s time for a demonstration. Agent Daley, Agent Brodie, would you please come up here?”
    Dex waved a hand in dismissal. “You know what, it’s cool. He can groom all he wants.”
    “Agent Daley.”
    “Right.” Dex got to his feet and headed toward the front of the class with Sloane casually padding after him. Dex stood, facing the rows and rows of rookie agents, all eyes on them.
    “It is exceptionally important for you to know when your partner is playing and when he or she is irate. Agent Daley, please demonstrate.”
    Dex arched an eyebrow at the instructor. “Which one?”
    “You want me to piss him off?” What kind of class was this?
    “In a matter of speaking. Yes.”
    “Great.” Okay. How could he piss off his partner without losing a limb? What he needed to do was annoy Sloane, really annoy him. Shouldn’t be too difficult. Dex had annoying down to an art. He thrust a finger in Sloane’s face, knowing how much his Felid partner hated that. Then he started singing. Nothing annoyed his partner like Hall and Oates.
    Sloane let out a fierce roar, and Dex started dancing around him, his voice going high-pitched for certain lyrics while he snapped his fingers. Sloane pawed at him, and Dex spun on his heels, avoiding getting smacked. His partner hissed, baring his fangs before he took off after Dex.
    “Shit!” Dex bolted, weaving through the rows of agents who were either

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