Cyborg Doms: Fane
inches thick. The computer chip had an unusual encryption.
    Fane set his AI to work hacking through the code. He sighed at the result. Research and Development. What the hell did they want with Tamara?
    The two men loitered inside the reception area until a patient emerged from Tamara's office, then they strode inside. A few long minutes passed, and the men appeared at the door, holding the doctor between them. Fane's heart pounded. He began to cross the road, weaving between traffic. By the time he reached the other sidewalk, the men were opening the car door. Tamara glanced around wildly, and her wide-eyed gaze locked on Fane. He moved swiftly toward her. She shook her head and her lips formed the word run.

    Computer, lock on Research and Development vehicle. Engage tracking. Is Tamara carrying her phone? Fane's AI gave him the affirmative. Lock on her phone . Scan Research and Development mainframe for any reference to Dr. Tamara Bright. Link me to Jace.
    "Yeah." Jace answered immediately.
    Fane hailed a cab . "Some government agency has picked up Tamara. I'm accessing their files now." He climbed inside the vehicle's cool interior. "Strand Hotel . . . no . . . I want to buy a flybike. Do you know where I can get a good deal?"
    "Sure." The cab driver grinned at Fane over one shoulder. "High Flybikes on the corner of West and Vine is the best place in town."
    "Jace, meet me at High Flybikes, I'll send the coordinates. We can't rescue Tamara in a cab."
    "Rescue . . . is she in danger?"
    Fane rubbed the back of his neck. "According to the files, they picked up a body scan of me when I got shot last night. They picked her up for questioning."
    "Shot? You got fucking shot last night and forgot to mention it?"
    "It was no big deal. I'll need help deleting files. The government has some strange encryptions. I'm forwarding all the information to your AI. We've gotta get her out of there now. The Feds will think she's a spy. They will torture her for information.
    How you feel about breaking into a restricted government facility?"
    "Don't do anything. They had strange encryptions in this time. I'm on my way."

Chapter Six

    Tamara sat back in her chair and glanced around the sterile room. Hell, the air had the smell of snow. The air conditioners must be working overtime. How far underground had she travelled? An iron bed with a rubber mattress and a pile of bed linen rested against one wall. A desk with a plastic jug of water, paper cups and a chair either side sat in the middle of the room. The two burly men who had escorted her into this underground labyrinth stood each side of the locked door. Another doorway, on the opposite side, blended into the shiny metal walls.
    Had Fane gotten away? Lord, her heart had ached seeing him running to save her—again. No other man had made an impact on her like Fane. Jesus, he had become an obsession in a matter of days. Now she would save him . These bastards could torture her, and she would never give them any information on Fane. She eyed the guards suspiciously and remained silent, her hands folded in her lap. The door buzzed and clicked open. Lord, she was a prisoner. A tall man with dark hair graying at the temples took a chair at the desk in front of her and shuffled a stack of papers.
    She glared at him. "Who are you, and why am I here? If you're planning to keep me here any longer, I want to see my lawyer."
    "You are in grave trouble, Dr. Bright. In matters of this nature, we may keep you indefinitely without legal representation. My name is Peterson. Dr. Bright, are you aware that the government logs all technical abnormalities in medical equipment? The other night, the Bio Scanner in your office crashed. Subsequent system analyses have revealed the scanner was compromised." The man leaned his elbows on the table, his fingers making towers. "We also discovered the last scan recorded on the device could not belong to any human walking the earth today."
    So, Mr. Peterson, you're out

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