Whisper To Me In The Dark

Free Whisper To Me In The Dark by Audra Claire

Book: Whisper To Me In The Dark by Audra Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Claire
close. Why did the feel of his arms around her always turn her knees to jelly? Why couldn't she resist his advances? Didn't she have any pride at all?
    Before she could utter one word he'd carried her to her freshly made bed and lay her down.
    "You can't treat me like this. Be with her last night and then just expect me to be happy that ..."
    Cash broke in, "I said I'm not in the mood to say please. I've never said it before and I'm not about to start now."
    Angelica wasn't scared. She was never scared when she was with Cash. Only protected and safe.
    "I'm not going to beg you. You belong to me," was Cash's only explanation.
    "What exactly does that mean? I belong to you? If I belong to you then what are you doing with Rita? Why do you act as if I don't exist sometimes?" Angelica lay perfectly still as Cash sat at the bottom of the bed, looking bewildered.
    Cash looked deeply into Angelica's eyes and simply said, "You belong to me. I don't owe you an explanation." The only time Cash felt alive was when Angelica was in his arms, but he felt no need to share this secret with her either. It was the one moment he felt truly at home - completely at peace. She quieted the moments of agony he often felt in his soul. Mere seconds later he was on top of her, like so many times before, tasting her sweet lips, exploring her body with his rough hands, tracing lazy circles across her stomach, following the trail his fingers took with his mouth - punctuating each touch with a scorching kiss. For a moment she resisted, but Cash's strong arms held her down. Sometimes she wondered if she struggled hard enough – if he'd really let her go. But what Cash wanted, he took. There was no point of resisting. He was the man. He would take her. His throbbing manhood so hard - so deep inside of her. Fill her with his seed. Use her body for his pleasure any time he wanted. He never was a gentle lover.  He wanted her too much. Too desperately. A mindless craving. She was his and only his.
    Angelica said nothing, because there was nothing to say. She surrendered sweetly without hesitation, accepting him as he thrust deep, erasing the pain that he carried with him, at least for a few pure blissful moments. The manly pride he felt every time when she surrendered completely to him overwhelmed him. How could a woman as beautiful and wonderful as Angelica give herself to him so selflessly? She was always more concerned with his pleasure than hers and the things that realization did to his heart - he didn't want to think about ...
    Sometimes Angelica thought she couldn't possibly feel a happiness compared to how she felt when Cash possessed her - sometimes her heart and body ached so badly for him that she thought she may perish - the pain was so deep. How could she love him so much when apparently he did not return her feelings? Why did she let him do anything he wanted to her anytime he asked?  Even when he didn't ask? But the ache she felt for him was so deep she simply would cease to exist if not for him.
    Mr. Noble sat in the audience, overseeing the rehearsal, tapping his pencil irritatedly on his notepad, yelling suggestions and shaking his head any time someone dared to make a mistake. "I said stage left. Left! Left! Not right! Are you an imbecile or what?"
    The nervous actor tripped over his shaking foot as he quickly changed directions sending him nearly flying off the stage into Mr. Noble's lap. Mr. Noble glared through his wire glasses, making deep creases in his already craggy face. "Do you want to be replaced?" he yelled. "I have a line of a hundred other actors that would give their right arm to be working with me. Is that what you're striving for? A chimp could do a better job than you. There is a zoo not far from here. Shall I go and look for a replacement?"
    The pale, thin actor exited the stage, where Angelica stood shaking in her tiny boots, as she patted him on the shoulder, smiled  and whispered, "Don't worry. It'll be

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