A Perfect Match

Free A Perfect Match by Kathleen Fuller

Book: A Perfect Match by Kathleen Fuller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Fuller
you alone.”
    Her chest tightened. She’d convinced herself they were friends, but she couldn’t deny a part of her wanted more. Yet to have more she’d have to open herself up again, and she wasn’t sure she could. “I . . . I don’t know . . .”
    He leaned toward her. His proximity caused her confusion—along with something more. “At least you didn’t say nee right off the bat. I’ll take that as a gut sign.”

Chapter Seven
    â€œSure that’s straight?”
    Zeke looked at Chester, then at the row of kitchen cabinets on the wall in front of him. “The level says it is. I wouldn’t eyeball something like that.”
    â€œI know. I didn’t mean it that way.” Chester sighed, then moved to sit on the blue ice chest in the middle of the room.
    Zeke turned and looked at his weary cousin. “Tough day at work?”
    â€œ Ya . That and worrying about getting the haus built.” He looked up. “Didn’t realize getting married would be this stressful.”
    â€œCast your cares upon the Lord, and He will sustain you.” Zeke grinned. “You’re not casting enough, cousin.”
    â€œI’m casting plenty, believe me. But lately those cares have been multiplying faster than I can get rid of them. I just want everything perfect for Priscilla.”
    â€œI know you do.” Zeke leaned against the counter he’d installed earlier that day while Chester was at work. He’d had to do the job twice, thanks to Naomi ruining his concentration. Again. Not that he minded. But he wasn’t telling Chester any of that. He seemed worried enough as it was. “Tell me something. Do you think Pricilla will love you any less if things aren’t perfect?”
    â€œOf course not. But I want her to be happy. She’s so excited about getting married. I don’t want to disappoint her.”
    Zeke nodded. “Well, maybe I’m not the best person to give advice about marriage, but seems to me you’re gonna disappoint her somewhere down the road. Probably more than once. She’ll disappoint you too. It’s how you handle the disappointment that will make your marriage, not what happens on your wedding day.”
    Chester stood. “Sounds like something mei daed would say. So how did you get so wise in the ways of marriage? Being a lifetime bachelor and all.” His cousin’s tone was genuine, not mocking.
    â€œSometimes you learn a lot from paying attention.” He remained silent about the state of his parents’ marriage. Zeke was pretty sure his cousin’s family didn’t have any idea that his parents barely spoke to each other. They always put up a good front for family and friends. Home . . . well, that was a different story. He picked up one of the cabinet doors and started screwing it on. “I don’t plan on being a lifetime bachelor, by the way.”
    â€œOh?” Chester grabbed another door and got to work. It was dark outside, but the gas lamp they’d set up in the middle of the kitchen cast plenty of light. “You’ve got your eye on someone back home, ya ?”
    â€œNot exactly.” He pushed the door back and forth, making sure the hinges worked and didn’t squeak. Satisfied, he put on the opposite door.
    â€œSomeone here, then?”
    When Zeke didn’t answer, Chester asked, “Who? You haven’t been here that long. There’s only been one maedel I know that you’ve met—” His cousin stopped working. “Naomi?”
    Heat suffused Zeke’s face. He wasn’t used to talking about such things with Chester. Or with anyone.
    â€œIt’s Naomi.” Chester grinned. “You could do a lot worse.”
    Zeke looked at him. “What do you mean by that?”
    Chester held up his hands, gripping the Phillips screwdriver in one of them. “ Nix . I just meant that

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