Spy Games

Free Spy Games by Gina Robinson

Book: Spy Games by Gina Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Robinson
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Mystery
I’d love to be apathetic.”
    “I know, Reilly. I have to tell you the rest.” Poor Julie, I could tell it was the last thing she wanted to do. “He said he’s coming for you.”
    “Coming for me? To make amends, I suppose?” I said with all the sarcasm I possessed. “Like slapping me with another restraining order?” I snorted, letting my anger chase my fear away. “That bastard—”
    War drowned me out by barking out a command that started with “CTs, listen up!”
    “Where are you?” Julie asked. “Basic training?”
    “Someplace safe. Let’s leave it at that.”
    “You’ll be careful?”
    “Always. I have to go now,” I said. “Thanks for the warning.” I disconnected and blew out another sigh before dialing Mom and Nicki with the news.
    Neither was in. I left messages and put my phone away.
    Van left the knot of CTs gathered around the ammo table and approached me. “You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
    More like my future at the hands of a demon.
    “I’m fine,” I lied, wishing things were different, wondering if Ket would ever leave me alone.
    I studied Van, liking the fine, sleek line he cut, the defined, natural shape of his musculature unmarred by steroid use. His intense expression of concern. How could I have ever backed away from his kiss last night? And yet I knew how. Or at least why. Ket.
    “War’s about to issue our submachine guns,” Van said by way of tempting me back to the present. “You don’t want to miss that.”
    “Submachine guns can blast bad guys to hell, right?” I said, fantasizing about a spray of bullets and a dead Ket.
    “At the very least, purgatory.”
    “Good enough.” I smiled, feeling less shaky and maybe a touch stronger and safer with Van there. “You’re right. I don’t.”
    As we walked back to rejoin the group, I looked around for Huff. An irrational chill of worry for him ran down my spine. I shouldn’t have flirted with him. Not in public. “Huff still hasn’t shown up?”
    “Not yet,” Cliff answered for Van. He sounded surprisingly angry.

Chapter 7
    Ace and Kyle joined us. We followed War to the firing range at the far end of the building. Van walked beside me silently, casting sidelong, inquiring glances my way. I think my comment about sending bad guys to hell had tipped him off that all was not well in vacationland. I replied with what I hoped was an enigmatic smile and not a cheesy, faked grin that would give my panic away. The truth was, I was spooked. Ket coming for me meant nothing good.
    Fear clung to me like the sticky remains of a cobweb I’d inadvertently walked through—unseen, but felt, even after I tried my darnedest to brush it off.
    My phone rang again, playing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” for the second time in less than an hour. I jumped, pulled the phone out and set it to vibrate without answering, flashing the others an apologetic look. I barely glanced at the number that popped up on the screen. Sheila. I didn’t have to pick up to know what she was calling about. I couldn’t handle a second account of Ket on the loose with as much relative aplomb as I had the first time.
    Damn him! Ket was calling everyone with dual-fold purpose—intimidate and find me.
    And his diabolical plan was working well on the first front of attack—intimidation. Suddenly there was movement in every shadow. Eyes watching me from the rafters. Goose bumps on my arms. Even surrounded by three well-trained former military guys and five other healthy men, I felt defenseless and scared.
    Ket could be calling from anywhere. For all I knew, he was already in Seattle. He had friends with private planes and even a commercial flight from LA took only a few hours. In fact, I was certain he was in the city somewhere, prowling my hometown for me. It was only logical.
    Still I had no call from the California penal system telling me to hide, young Reilly! Run!
    “Not in a chatty mood?” Van asked beside me.
    When I stared at

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