Shadow of Shame: Book 1 of the Shadow series

Free Shadow of Shame: Book 1 of the Shadow series by Barbara Goss

Book: Shadow of Shame: Book 1 of the Shadow series by Barbara Goss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Goss
I love children.”
    “If her color bothers you in any way, tell me now, and I’ll find another—”
    “No, I’m fine with it. I was just surprised, is all,” she explained.
    “Do you have transportation to and from the ranch?” he asked.
    “No. I don’t have a horse or buggy.”
    “Not a problem. I have one you can borrow.”
    “She’ll need clothes,” Ingrid said. “She has none. Thelma put one of your shirts on her to sleep in.”
    “I’ll take care of that right now—she can’t stay in that huge shirt for long.” Jonas stood. He began to feel uneasy, as if he were being watched. He swung around and there, on the bottom step of the stairway, sat little Zoe, wide-eyed, with only her head visible from inside the huge shirt.
    “Hello,” Jonas said. “Don’t worry, Zoe. I’m going in to town right now to buy you some clothes.” He looked to Ingrid. “What size?”
    Ingrid smiled. “Just tell the store clerk she's four years old, and I’ll alter the clothes to fit, if needed. I’ll bring my sewing basket with me tomorrow.”
    “All right, then. I’ll be back soon.” He turned to Zoe. “This is your nanny. She will take care of you.” He turned back to Ingrid and said, “She must be hungry.”
    “I’ll whip her up something. Go on and get your shopping done.”
    On Jonas’s ride to town, he thought he’d solved the problem of what he’d tell people about Zoe, without having to lie. He’d just omit the most condemning detail.

    Ivy had just dropped Rose off at her friend’s house, the one who lived above the hardware store, when she spotted Jonas walking into the general store. She decided she might need a new ribbon or two, so she walked in behind him. She watched him as he strolled around, looking completely lost.
    “Jonas!” she said as if surprised to see him.
    “Ivy!” he greeted. “How fortunate to run into you. I’m in desperate need of that favor you promised me.”
    Ivy gave him her best smile. “You got it. How can I help?”
    “I need to buy clothing for a four year-old little girl. I have no idea what to buy or where to buy it.”
    “You’ll probably find more of a selection at the dry goods store across the street,” she said. “C’mon, I’ll go with you and help you pick them out.”
    Jonas seemed relieved, and said, “Thank you!”
    Ivy took him into the M & L Dry Goods Store and led him to a bin of clothes. “What exactly are you looking for, Jonas? Something for dress, play, or sleep?”
    “Everything?” she asked, wide-eyed.
    “Yes, you see, I found a little girl today who was being mistreated, and I had no choice but to bring her home. I’m going to take care of her until I can find some family for her. She has nothing, because she was without clothes when I found her.”
    Ivy’s heart always fluttered when she was near Jonas, but the beat intensified after she heard his story. “How wonderful of you!” she said. “Of course I’ll assist you.” She dug into the bins of clothes and brought out a few different pieces she thought might fit the little girl. “Four, you say?”
    Jonas nodded. “She’ll be five in a few months, but she's a tiny, little thing.”
    “Here. These are underclothes.” She held out a small stack of clothing, and then went back to rummaging through the bins until she'd found dresses, nightgowns, and nearly everything a child would need. “How about shoes?”
    “Ah, I would have forgotten those. I don’t know what I’d have done had you not appeared when you did. Where do I find shoes?” he asked.
    She led him to an area at the back of the store, and picked out two pairs. “I’m picking out two pairs, one in a larger size. That way one of them should fit her. You can bring the other pair back.”
    “It was nothing short of a miracle that you happened to appear, Ivy. Thank you.”
    “If I can help you with the little girl in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask me, or my family.

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