Free RAINBOW RUN by John F. Carr & Camden Benares

Book: RAINBOW RUN by John F. Carr & Camden Benares Read Free Book Online
Authors: John F. Carr & Camden Benares
one wristlock. It didn't prove I knew Errox but since I hadn't protested being identified as Errox or claimed another identity, Clandine was probably sure that I knew Errox.
    I didn't want to cause trouble for anyone, but I didn't think I could fool the vericator. I would have to avoid answering some questions if they were asked. Maybe I could volunteer truthful information that would interest Clandine without betraying anyone. The focus of the VIS was on the Freedom Crusaders. I could state that I knew nothing about them except what I'd learned here at the VIS Center and that would register as truth.
    Since they hadn't asked about Kahalyton or the Counter Colors, I suspected they either didn't know about them or, if they knew, didn't consider them a threat. I didn't want to give them Hushel's name as the wristlock smitty who put Errox's wristlock on my arm. Even if Clandine was clever enough to elicit Hushel's name from me, I didn't know where his dwell was or how to look for it. Ignorance was my best defense.
    The only dwell I knew how to get to was Mirall's, but I didn't know how to get there from here; I didn't know how to get anywhere from here. I wasn't aware that I'd dozed off until I was awakened by the sound of my cell door opening. Clandine was standing there, looking at me in a way that made me feel slightly uneasy, as if she knew something I didn't know. I wasn't sure what it was she knew but I wished I knew that, as well as the answers to all the questions that I hadn't asked of anyone.
    Clandine led me to the room where the Crusader had been questioned. There was no sign of her. Arvon and the thin man were still in the room.
    "Just lie down on the cot," she ordered.
    I complied.
    "Hook him up," she said to the thin man, who proceeded to attach the skull cap to my head and the other sensors to my body.
    When he was finished, Clandine said, "Thank you, I'll take it from here."
    The thin man left but Arvon stayed.
    Clandine turned toward Arvon and said, "I want to be alone with the prisoner. I can establish a better rapport that way."
    Arvon's face clouded briefly with anger, then returned to his normal impassive demeanor.
    "Of course."
    I could tell he wasn't pleased to be told to leave and I became aware of the power that Clandine wielded. As Clandine watched Arvon leave, she asked an unexpected question, "Did you know that the wristlock you're wearing would identify you as Errox?"
    "No," I replied.
    I couldn't see the display but I knew I was telling the truth. Clandine seemed pleased, as if she'd gotten the answer she wanted.
    "Are you a Freedom Crusader?"
    "No," I answered, looking at Clandine's face to see if my answer altered her expression. It didn't.
    "What do you know about the Freedom Crusaders?"
    "Nothing except what I've learned here this cycle."
    Clandine's mouth tightened in a disappointed look before she asked, "Do you know any Freedom Crusaders?"
    "No, I never heard of them until I was brought here to the VIS Center."
    I was beginning to feel comfortable with the questions. Clandine wanted information that I didn't have.
    Then she asked, "What did you do with your previous wristlock?"
    "I don't know?"
    "What's your name?"
    "Rathe, was your previous wristlock gray?"
    "I don't know."
    Clandine looked pensive. She seemed to be mentally going over my truthful answers. She suddenly looked pleased and asked, "Are your earliest memories gone?"
    "Yes," I replied.
    That was the first positive reading she'd gotten from me and it was obvious that she felt she was onto something.
    "Is Rathe a name that you remembered?"
    "Do you remember anything from before you became a blanc?"
    "Are you protecting Errox?"
    I didn't know how to answer that, so I remained silent while I thought it over. Clandine appeared to be trying to interpret my silence. I wondered what showed on the display. Could the vericator show my confusion to Clandine?
    "Do you know where Errox is?"
    "Is Errox your

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