
Free Swap by Jenesi Ash

Book: Swap by Jenesi Ash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenesi Ash
the way Aidan thought.
    â€œI’m going to win this time,” Caleb announced, riling Jamie’s competitive spirit.
    â€œDon’t bet on it,” Jamie said.
    Caleb made the fight with Jamie very close and lifted his thumbs off the buttons right at the end.
    Jamie was the winner.
    Mia was the loser.
    Caleb and Aidan exchanged a look. It would be interesting to see how the girls would try to get out of this.
    â€œOkay,” Mia said as she grabbed her beer and took a delicate sip. “Do-over.”
    â€œI don’t think so,” Caleb said, tossing the controller onto the floor.
    Mia gestured at the score on the screen. “But Jamie won.”
    â€œI can see that,” Caleb replied. “The rule is that the loser gives the winner a kiss.”
    Mia’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “But—but—”
    â€œThere weren’t any exceptions to that.” Caleb turned to Aidan. “Were there, Aidan?”
    Aidan tilted his head as he tried to recall the agreement. “No, there weren’t,” he answered.
    â€œCaleb.” There was a hint of warning in Jamie’s voice.
    He looked at Jamie, who looked uncertain what to do. That was a surprise to Caleb. Jamie was brazen and assertive. Why was she hanging back?
    Was she afraid to have a taste of her secret fantasy, worried that it would not live up to her expectations? Or was she concerned that she might like it too much? He couldn’t do anything about that, but he just offered her a fantasy that had no strings attached.
    â€œGo for it, Jamie,” Caleb said.
    Jamie looked at him and then at Mia. She tried to show no expression but Caleb saw the excitement flickering in her eyes.
    â€œFine,” Jamie said breezily. “Mia, lie down on the floor.”

    â€œAre you “kidding me?” Mia asked, her heartbeat starting to race. They had to be joking.
    Jamie motioned impatiently at the floor. “Lie down.”
    Mia looked at the beige carpet and then back up at Jamie. What the hell was going on here? Jamie and she were supposed to swap sex partners, not spit!
    Mia glanced at Aidan, hoping to get some guidance. She was surprised by the hot, smoky look in his eyes. She blinked and looked again, but she still saw it.
    She couldn’t believe it. The idea of watching her kiss Jamie was turning him on. Why? She didn’t get it. Sure, it was scandalous and taboo, but she got the feeling this wasn’t why he liked the scenario.
    She looked at Caleb, noticing the rapid rise and fall of his chest. Oh, God. Him, too. Why did men want to see two women get together? And why her? She had never kissed a woman, had never considered even trying.
    â€œGo for it,” Aidan urged her.
    Mia hesitated. The swapping wasn’t exactly going as she had planned. There was nothing she could do about it now.
    Anyway, the whole point of swapping was to explore her options. Test her sensual boundaries. Of course, she had thought that meant with a man, which just proved how limited her thinking was.
    Mia rose from the couch and slowly lay on the floor, her heart jumping in her chest. Why hadn’t she considered this exchange might happen? It was because she had been so fixated on having sex with Caleb. This was what she got for trying to trick the guys into swapping.
    She stared at the ceiling, holding her arms tight against her sides. It was no big deal, just out of her comfort zone. She wasn’t opposed to the idea, but she wasn’t prepared for it either.
    And if she was going to kiss a girl, Mia would want it to be Jamie. Jamie could make anything a wild ride. And if Mia ever swung that way, she would with Jamie, the sexiest woman she’d ever known, over any hot actress or model.
    But that decision didn’t stop her from tensing up when Jamie crawled above her. Mia watched her with wide eyes. Why was she hovering above her like a jungle cat ready to pounce? All Jamie had to do was

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