Lycan Warrior
    Chapter One
    “I won’t sleep with him!”
    “Katya, you won’t be sleeping with him, you’ll be sharing a tent. Besides, the only reason I agreed to this assignment is that Malek will be your personal guard. Drago assured me Malek is his best warrior and he will protect you with his life.”
    Katya scowled at her reflection in the mirror. “I heard him tell the king last week he thinks I’m a spy.”
    Eve sighed. “Drago told me there is a reasonable explanation for Malek’s suspicion, something about his brother.”
    Her mother fell silent and Katya frowned, waiting for her to say more. “What was the explanation?”
    Her mother’s gaze wavered. “We were in the middle of something and didn’t quite finish our conversation.”
    Katya’s anger immediately dimmed as she watched her mother’s face flush with embarrassment. She momentarily forgot the fierce looking Lycan warrior once she realised what her mother’s middle of something was. She hid a smile. Since her mother had wed King Drago last week, she never looked happier.
    Eve cleared her throat and stepped away from the mirror. “There. You’re perfect. The trousers are more convenient than wearing those dresses with all those annoying layers.”
    Katya stared at their reflections in the mirror. They were both dressed in almost identical outfits—leather trousers and vests, with weapons strapped to their legs and waist. They looked more like sisters than mother and daughter, with their slim bodies, long dark hair, and dark eyes.
    “Mama, as the new queen, don’t you think a dress would be in order from time to time, or a crown?”
    Eve shot her a dark look. “Don’t be silly. If the castle is attacked by Balkathan’s army, how can I fight in ten pounds of material?”
    “I feel naked. You can see every curve of my body.”
    “A sight I’m sure Malek will appreciate,” her mother murmured innocently.
    “You haven’t been listening to me. He thinks I’m a spy.”
    “He doesn’t think you’re a spy.” Eve expelled a heavy sigh. “I’m certain, on this assignment, he’ll get to know you and see what a remarkable woman you are. I’m sure you know half the guards are already a little in love with you.”
    “Stop it, Mama.” Katya knew where this was leading and she wasn’t in the mood for it.
    “Honey, I just want you to be happy. At least consider the possibility one of the guards could be your mate.”
    “I can’t believe my mother, the all-powerful, four hundred year old vampire, is a romantic.”
    “That’s Drago’s fault. Love changes people. Besides, I’m not a vampire anymore. I’m a hybrid now, with Lycan blood in my veins, remember?”
    Katya could never contemplate love. She was plagued with too many demons to trust a man. Balkathan’s wolves raping her for two years did that to a woman.
    She took her mother’s hand. “I’m happy the Lycan Legend came true for you, Mama. I really am, but please don’t push its lore on me.” She winced as brief images of her imprisonment in Balkathan’s filthy prison flashed through her mind.
    Katya inhaled slowly, forcing those terrifying memories to the dark recesses of her mind. Her wounds were too deep for love to heal them. Thankfully, the distant sound of trumpets blaring in the courtyard snapped her out of her disturbing thoughts. She was going on a mission with the king’s guards and nothing was going to stop her from successfully completing it. Apprehension settled in her stomach as she thought of the other women still imprisoned there. She prayed they were still alive.
    “That’s my cue,” she said stiffly. “The caravan is ready to set off.”
    Eve hugged her. “God speed, my girl.”
    * * * *
    Where the hell was she, Malek thought angrily? He glanced around the courtyard crowded with villagers and royal guards ready to send them off and clenched his jaw. His white steed was restless and he tightened his reins, containing his

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