
Free Seduced by Metsy Hingle

Book: Seduced by Metsy Hingle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Metsy Hingle
concentrate on making her feel.
    His mouth eased into a grin. And he was going to thoroughly enjoy every minute of the process.
    â€œLooks like the party was a big success,” Amanda said, stopping in front of him. “I had a lovely time. Thank you for inviting me.”
    Her lips curved into a smile, yet he detected a sadness, a vulnerability that had been missing earlier. “Actually it was Summer’s idea. But if she hadn’t asked you to come, I would have,” he said tenderly.
    â€œYes, well, thank you again.” Averting her eyes, Amanda glanced in Summer’s direction. “I guess I’d better let you get back to Summer and her guests.”
    Michael followed the direction of her gaze. Only Summer, her best friend and the little girl’s mother remained. The three of them were busily boxing up the birthday gifts. “I think they can manage without me for a few minutes. Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.”
    â€œThanks, but it’s really not necessary. I’m parked just outside in the lot.”
    â€œBut I insist,” he said, placing his hand at her back.
    After asking Michelle’s mother to keep an eye on Summer, Michael led Amanda outside. The afternoon sun peeked from behind a cloud, its rays turning her hair a pale shade of gold.
    â€œThis is my car,” she said, stopping next to a silver BMW.
    After unlocking the door, Michael placed the key in her hand and closed her fingers over the metal ring. When he didn’t release her hand, Amanda looked up.
    â€œI was afraid you might not come today,” he said softly. “I’m glad you did.”
    She met his gaze squarely, but Michael didn’t miss the caution flickering in those dark eyes. “Michael, I came because of Summer.”
    â€œI know.” He moved a step closer.
    â€œIt seemed to mean a lot to her that I be here.”
    â€œIt did. And it meant a lot to me, too.” He released her hand and gently drew his finger down her cheek. Her skin was soft and smooth and reminded him of expensive silk. He stared at her mouth, remembering how sweet she had tasted. He leaned a fraction closer, wanting to taste that sweetness again.
    â€œMichael.” She said his name in a breathless way that sounded like part protest and part plea.
    With effort, he checked the urge to pull her close. Now wasn’t the time, he told himself. A public parking lot in broad daylight was not where he wanted to be when he kissed her again.
    Dropping his hand to his side, he opened her car door. Amanda slid onto the seat.
    Still holding the door handle with one hand, he braced his other hand along the edge of the car roof just over the driver’s seat and leaned forward. His eyes sought hers. “Have dinner with me tonight?” he asked, not wanting to wait until next week to see her again.
    â€œI can’t.”
    â€œTomorrow night, then?”
    Amanda shook her head, her expression impossibly sad. “I’m sorry. I just can’t.” She started the engine.
    Straightening, Michael closed her car door, then stood back, surprised by the strength of his disappointment. He had genuinely wanted to be with her, he admitted, and once more she had run away.
    As he watched the small silver car disappear into traffic, a new restlessness stirred within him. They were going to be together, he vowed silently. She was going to be his. And soon.
    Ignoring the voice deep inside him that questioned these new feelings of possessiveness Amanda aroused in him, Michael turned and strode back to the Pizza Palace.
    Thirty minutes later Michael’s thoughts were still filled with Amanda as he and Summer headed for home.
    â€œWhat’s the matter, Uncle Mike? Didn’t you have a good time at my party?” Summer asked.
    Michael cut a glance to his right. “Sure, pumpkin. I had a great time. What about you?”
    Summer’s mouth split into a wide grin. “It was the best

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