Brianna's Navy SEAL

Free Brianna's Navy SEAL by Natalie Damschroder

Book: Brianna's Navy SEAL by Natalie Damschroder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Damschroder
afternoon naptime for her first-grade class. It didn't help that she'd been sleeping at Cable's house on the nights he wasn't sleeping at hers, or that Ken was piling on the work. She suspected he was trying to see her more. Instead of giving her three accounts on Thursday, he called her Thursday, Friday, and Saturday asking her to come pick up the files.
    On Sunday, she decided to put an end to it. She and Cable had still been trying to be discreet in public, and completely professional at school. But Ken wasn't giving up, and Brianna was tired of trying to spare his feelings.
    "I can't come over today, Ken, I'm busy. I'll get that one when I finish these and bring them over."
    "You can bring them as you finish them,” he tried.
    "No, that's wasted time. I'll have them done by the end of the week and will pick up the new one then. Unless you have another reason you need to see me."
    Silence. Silence. She heard him swallow.
    "Well, I, you know, I wanted..."
    He trailed off, and Brianna sighed. “I'm seeing someone, Ken. I told you that."
    "I thought maybe it was over. I haven't seen you with anyone."
    "It's Cable Addison. He lives across the street from me. I didn't lie, Ken. I wouldn't lie to you.” She cringed, not sure if that was a lie itself. “I'll see you later this week."
    He sounded subdued when he said goodbye, and she felt bad, but she didn't know what else to do. The phone rang again, and she ground her teeth.
    "Hey, sweetheart."
    With effort, she set aside her frustration. “I was just talking about you."
    "Oh, yeah? Which part of me?"
    She chuckled. “The whole you, actually. But it's not important. What's up? I just left you half an hour ago."
    "Darcy called. She wanted me to let you know there's another committee meeting Tuesday night."
    "Great.” Brianna closed her eyes. She'd hoped not to see Ken all week, to give him a chance to chill. “Why'd she call you and not me?"
    "I don't know, maybe your phone was busy."
    "I have call waiting.” Which hadn't clicked, so she knew Darcy never had any intention of calling her. Why she hadn't tried to keep her off the committee, Brianna didn't know. The woman was clearly after Cable. Brie would almost think she had a vendetta against her family, if it weren't so logical otherwise. When Darcy first moved here a few years ago, Jake was the most attractive target. He had the power, or soon would, and was the most popular man in town. God knew why she'd come back after her humiliation, but now that she was, Cable had the town abuzz. He may not have Jake's affability and political clout, but he was gorgeous, strong, intriguing, and the center of attention.
    And that was all Darcy really wanted, Brianna realized. To be the center of attention.
    "Brie, you there?"
    "Sorry, got lost in thought."
    "About what?” His voice went seductive. “About me, I hope."
    "Kinda.” She held back a laugh. “I was thinking I should remind you Mom wants you to bring the dessert tonight."
    Cable swore and hurried off the phone. Brianna hung up her cordless and went to the front window just in time to see Cable zooming up the street, no doubt on his way to the grocery store. She shook her head. Her mother could smell store-bought a block down the street. He didn't have a chance.
* * * *
    "Cable, this peach cobbler is just fabulous.” Her mother forked another bite into her mouth. “Mmmmm. I can't believe you made this."
    "I can't, either,” Brie muttered. Cable nudged her with his knee. She couldn't figure out if her mother was just being nice, or if she really didn't recognize the handiwork of Lilly's Pastries and Such.
    "I need a second helping,” her father said, reaching for the cobbler dish. “Brie, you're closest, be a peach and grab the ice cream, would you?"
    Everyone laughed at his pun except Brianna. Grumbling, she shoved her chair back and stood. “Anything else while I'm in there?"
    Requests rang out for napkins, water, and a Coke, and she rolled

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