Dragon of the Island
merry people who love
music and tales.” Elwyn continued: “There are festivals and
celebrations during the summer, and feasts during the winter when
everyone gathers to hear the bards tell of the past.”
    “Do you observe the rituals of the old
gods?” Aurora asked. While her family had converted to the new
faith of the Christ, many other gods were still worshiped by the
people of Viroconium.
    “Aye, feasts are held at Beltaine, Lughnasa,
Samhain and Imbolc. And you—you are a Christian, aren’t you?”
    “I suppose so,” Aurora answered, feeling
uncomfortable. She was not really sure what she
    “I have heard that the Christian god is
jealous of all others, and that is why the Christian holy men are
so intolerant.”
    “So it would seem. I am not very devout. Not
like my sister, Carina, who is always in prayer. I think my father
and the priest spoke to Maelgwn of raising our children as
Christians, but I am not sure he agreed.”
    Elwyn nodded. “I’m sure you could go to the
priory in the valley if you wish to worship.”
    “The priory?” Aurora asked in surprise.
    “Aye, some holy brothers have begun a
settlement at the other end of the valley that Caer Eryri
overlooks—they have a chapel there.”
    “And Maelgwn permits this?” Aurora asked in
amazement. People had led her to believe that Maelgwn was a
backward heathen.
    “I’m not sure of his personal beliefs, but
Maelgwn has always permitted the worship of all gods in Gwynedd,
even the practices of the druids.”
    Aurora’s eyebrows went up in shock. She had
been raised to believe that the druids were a hideous cult which
practiced human sacrifice. She knew they had settled in the west
after the Romans drove them out of the rest of Britain, but she did
not realize that the sect still had followers.
    “But how can he tolerate their barbaric
rites?” she asked hotly. “It’s not decent!”
    “It’s true that some of their cults go too
far in carrying out the old rituals, but druids have much knowledge
and power, too. Many of them are physicians and bards. It is even
said that Esylt, Maelgwn’s sister, knows some of the old magic
    “She is a sorceress?” Aurora asked in
    Elwyn smiled nervously. “I’m sure if she had
any real power, she would have used it against her enemies long
ago. No doubt it is just a story told by the common people.”
    They rode in silence for a while. Although
she sensed his reticence to talk further, Aurora finally dared to
ask the young man beside her the question that had been troubling
her all along: “Elwyn, I must ask you, and you must be honest for
my sake—will the people of Gwynedd accept me as queen?”
    The young man looked distinctly
uncomfortable, and Aurora sensed that he did not want to answer
her. He looked away and then back at her. “You do not look much
like a Cymraes,” he said softly. “But certainly we could not hope
to have a more lovely queen.”
    The compliment made Aurora blush, but she
was not satisfied with his flattering answer. He seemed to be
avoiding the intent of her question completely.
    “But will they...” Aurora searched for a
dignified way of asking if she would ever be treated as anything
other than a war trophy, “Will they respect me?”
    Elwyn sighed. “I don’t know. The Cymru are
not over-fond of outsiders, but Maelgwn is a strong king and you
are his wife, so no one will dare mistreat you or show you
    The young man’s face seemed very earnest and
sincere, and Aurora knew he didn’t mean to upset her, but Elwyn’s
words did little to reassure her. There was something in his manner
that led her to believe that her reception at Caer Eryri would not
be pleasant.
    “And Maelgwn’s sister?” she asked Elwyn,
thinking out loud. “Will she accept me?”
    Elwyn looked startled, and Aurora’s
uneasiness grew. After a moment, Elwyn regained his composure, and
when he spoke, she sensed that he was choosing his words with

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