Vesta - Painworld
the cell building from which she’d been led to this scaffold, there now stood another raised platform, from the centre of which rose a blackened stake and about the base of which was heaped bundles of kindling wood and twisted sections of either large branches or thin tree trunks. It was, Lianne understood, a pyre - a pyre designed for one purpose only, that of burning a witch.
    Clarissa had never believed it was possible to feel so wretched as she did now, perched astride the horrendous display pole, the thick dildo filling her vagina and stretching it to an impossible extent, the plug in her anal passage all but forgotten in comparison to this monstrous invasion. How long it had been since the massive blonde had mounted her so lewdly, she had no idea, but there had been several visitors since to admire Christina’s handiwork.
    Thanks to the rubber ball gag the Dane had forced between her teeth, the wretched captive could do nothing but stare back at the procession of strangely garbed voyeurs, trying vainly to shut her ears to their mocking comments.
    â€˜Hang a couple of lights on those tits and she’d make a great standard lamp,’ one woman had laughed. ‘I’ll have to ask Christina if we can have her up in our suite for tomorrow night’s party.’
    â€˜Might as well use her for furniture,’ her male companion had sneered. ‘By the time she’s spent a few more hours like that, her cunt will be too slack to be of much use.’
    â€˜Maybe for you,’ the woman mocked, ‘but I know one or two who could still really make her yelp. Maybe I’ll make a couple of phone calls tonight. She’d look a treat, wriggling on the end of Max’s cock.’
    Clarissa felt her face burning with shame and she would have closed her eyes, shutting out their leering faces, but the ice cold drops Christina had put in her eyes seemed to have frozen the muscles that controlled her eyelids, so that she was forced to endure the maximum humiliation.
    â€˜Still here then?’ Christina said, when she finally reappeared. Her gloved fingers toyed with the clitoral ring, which she had carefully ensured had been pulled into full view when she mounted her trophy earlier. ‘What do you think of my slut stand then, eh? I had it specially made, though not for you. There’s a certain little whore who’s going to spend most of what’s left of her miserable life where you are now.
    â€˜Actually, I might have a few more made and then I can mount you as a pair,’ she mused. ‘And the sissy writer bastard, too. Yes, that would be a nice touch, I think. Three unwise monkeys - two cunts and a cock - speak no evil, see all evil, suffer all evil.
    â€˜Well, Miss Clever Bitch,’ she went on, her mood changing in an instant, ‘your dear brother knows the situation exactly, now. He should be getting in contact within the next half hour and, if he does, I’ve agreed to take you down from there.’ She laughed, harshly.
    â€˜Of course, whether I really do or not depends on my mood at the time. And on your attitude,’ she added.
    â€˜Ready to suck my cunt yet, are you?’
    Clarissa stared down at her, grunting through the gag, and shook her head as vigorously as the stiff perspex collar would permit. The thought of doing what the amazon was suggesting revolted her and, in any case, she suspected any relief earned by co-operating with her would be short-lived indeed.
    Christina shook her own head, smiling crookedly. ‘Suit yourself, sweetmeat,’ she said. ‘You’ve only had a couple of hours up there so far. I’ll ask again in another two.’
    Two hours! Clarissa couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She had to have been on the stand for far longer than that. Ten hours must be more like it. Christina seemed to sense her disbelief.
    â€˜Yes, it seems like a lot longer, doesn’t it?’ she growled.

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