Avion (Cyborgs: More Than Machines, #7)
sat upon his bed and dragged her onto his lap, not once letting his lips stray from hers. He could have kissed her for hours, but Lilith seemed intent on taking things further.
    She stripped off the shirt he gave her and tossed it to the floor.
    “What are you doing, vixen?”
    “The fabric was irritating me.”
    “I’m sure it was, but that doesn’t explain why you’re rubbing yourself on me.”
    Indeed she was. Since he was already bare-chested, it meant their upper bodies now touched skin to skin. The erect nubs topping her pert breasts poked at him. His mouth actually watered at the thought of tasting them.
    “I want to touch you.”
    Her stark request slowed him worse than a cold shower. “This isn’t right.” He placed her upon the mattress and stood.
    Bending down, he grabbed the shirt, determined to place it back upon her, but before he could turn around, she’d wrapped her arms around him from behind and pressed her nude body against him.
    Why do you reject me?
    Her soft touch on his mind let him see her hurt.
    He clasped her hands and held them as he turned in her arms. He brought her palms up and placed them on his chest. “I am not rejecting you. Trust me when I say it is taking every ounce of willpower right now not to toss you on that bed and make love to your body.”
    “Why stop yourself? I am amenable to that idea.”
    “You’re curious. You’ve also just been released from a prison. To do this now...” He blew out a noisy sigh. “It just seems wrong. Like I’d be taking advantage of you.”
    “You are worried I will regret having sex with you. I won’t. I am fully cognizant of what I want. I’ve weighed the pros and cons.”
    “And what are the cons?”
    “That you will become emotionally attached to me.”
    “Too late, I already am.” And he didn’t care if it was his BCI or heart making the assertion. Avion just knew it was true. His remark seemed to fluster her. “Any other cons?”
    “What if I become emotionally attached to you?” Followed by a whispered, What if I begin to care and you reject or leave me?
    Then she’d be all alone. Like she’d been alone for most of her life.
    Hadn’t Avion recently learned just how fleeting life could be? Everything could vanish in an instance. They could die, today, tomorrow, next week. By denying Lilith the closeness she craved now, was he, in fact, doing more harm than good? Didn’t she deserve to feel close to someone?
    And if she later on decides she doesn’t want me, that she wants to change her rapid choice? Then he’d go on a murderous alien killing rampage.
    His version of physical therapy.
    “So what are the pros?”
    She slapped hands to cheeks, which pinkened. Again he couldn’t help but feel flattered by the reactions she couldn’t control. The more she hung around Avion and the others, the more she lost her placid demeanor. A fiery personality, with an adorable, shy side hid within.
    “Come on, vixen. You spilled the cons, now for the pros. Why should I make love to your luscious body?” He trailed a finger down the valley between her breasts, noting her shudder.
    “Because? That’s not an answer.”
    “Because I don’t have one. I am aroused but don’t know why. I ache between my thighs and only know that you are the cure. I want to touch your skin and have you touch mine. I need.” I need you.
    Yup, there went the last of his defenses. The right thing be damned. He wasn’t leaving this room. He wasn’t leaving her.
    Why bother to say it when he’d much prefer to show her? As he angled them toward the bed, he cupped her face and kissed her soft lips. He guided them to the mattress, their lips remaining latched as he shed his pants and toed off his boots.
    When her back hit the mattress, he kept himself to the side, his engorged shaft pressing against her hip.
    He let his hand roam, skimming her silky skin and exploring her slender shape. He cupped a small breast, his thumb brushing over

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