Just Go

Free Just Go by M Dauphin

Book: Just Go by M Dauphin Read Free Book Online
Authors: M Dauphin
very least I would have called over a piece of ass to fuck last night, but from the looks of my surroundings, there’s nothing here that suggests anyone else but Thor and I were in this apartment last night.
    Speaking of Thor, he’s currently curled up on the foot of the sofa that I just got off of. Jesus, I wish I could still be sleeping. Unfortunately, I’m supposed to be the first into the building today. I’ve always run meetings, and have never called in due to a hangover. Normally I’m more careful about drinking on weeknights.
    I shower quickly and grab an English muffin on my way out the door. Stopping by Starbucks, I grab my coffee and walk the block to work. I wish I could enjoy the sunshine but right now I want to curl into a ball in a dark room and take a very long nap. God, I feel like I’m in college again, trying to get over a hangover before having to sit through an hour-long class. Unfortunately for me, that hour-long class has turned into an hour-long meeting that I am in charge of.
    Once I’m in the office, I open the doors and close the blinds, blocking the sunlight from killing my mood any more than it’s already been killed. I pull out my phone to check the time and something tugs at my memory. Weird.
    Ten minutes until staff shows up. Today’s meeting is nothing new, but I always like to have them prepared for the week to come before Monday. Monday meetings are pointless, because everyone hates Mondays and meetings. Putting both of them together on one day makes everyone hate their boss. I don’t want my employees to hate me.
    My company is one of the biggest start-up companies in Chicago. When I was eighteen, I took the advance trust fund money my father gave me for college and invested in a small accounting firm in downtown Chicago. When they made money, I made money. When they lost money, I lost money. I love the thrill of making things grow and grow, and never losing. It soon became an addiction. My ex-wife was there with me the entire time, helping me build the business. Carson and Lewis is approaching its tenth birthday, and each year it’s grown exponentially. We now have offices in twelve major cities in the US, as well as France, Japan, and Australia. My team here, a team of about thirty employees, helps keep an eye on the branch investments, as well as keep an eye out for new possible investments. We have our fingers dipped in about every pool you can think of. From accounting, to lawyers, to daycares, to head shops. Our money is spread everywhere, and we’re currently at the top of the charts for start-up companies you want behind you.
    It’s like Shark Tank , but way more profitable for both parties.
    The meeting starts on time and I notice Benton in the back, trying to hide his wounds from the nosey employees. I dare anyone to approach him about it. They’ll be looking for another job faster than they can blink.
    Luckily, my crew senses my mood and disperses quickly and quietly after the meeting, leaving me and Benton in the conference room staring at each other.
    “The Nova deal gonna go through?” he asks looking at me through one swollen eye.
    “Yeah, it looks that way,” I say wanting to apologize to him but not finding the words. Instead I find something else to fill the awkward silence, “How are you doing?” I nod to his wounds and he chuckles and shakes his head.
    “Been better. Glad I’ve got a few days to recoup. Carly was pissed, but once she sees the money, she’ll be fine,” he says, then stands and nods at me.
    “It’ll be in your desk by two,” I promise, then nod at him as he walks out of the conference room.
    By noon, I’m starving, angry, and so sexually frustrated that I consider calling in one of the interns for a little release, but I can’t. Something is stopping me from it. I send an email out, informing everyone that I’ll be out of the office for an hour or so, then head outside to grab some lunch. On the elevator ride down, I pull out

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